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日期:2023-02-15 10:02 点击:


Preventing Earthquake Damage 避免地震带来的损失。

The devastating 8-magnitude Wenchuan earthquake cost at least 70,000 lives, 汶川八级地震夺走了至少7万条生命,

making it the deadliest earthquake to hit China since the 1976 Tangshan earthquake. 这是中国造成死难最多的一次,是仅次于1976年唐山大地震。

There has been a heated debate concerning how to prevent earthquake damage.  人们都在热议,即,如何避免地震造成的损失。

In my opinion, improving building quality and constructing earthquake-resistant buildings should be made a top priority. 我认为,提高房屋质量,以及建造抗震建筑是当务之急。

To begin with, improving building quality will greatly reduce the number of buildings collapsing in an earthquake,  首先,提高房屋质量将大大减少房屋坍塌的数量,

Building vulnerability is closely linked to the casualty rate in a catastrophic earthquake. 房屋的抗震指数与地震中的伤亡有着紧密的联系。

The central government estimates that over 7,000 inadequately engineered schoolrooms collapsed in the earthquake. 中央政府预测,超过7000处问题教室在这次的地震中倒塌。

Chinese netizens have since invented a catchphrase"tofu-dreg schoolhouses to 中国网友把这样的房子叫做“豆腐渣工程”

mock both the quality and the quantity of these inferior constructions  从而来讽刺那些偷工减料建筑,

that killed so many school children,  这些房屋夺走了许多学生的生命,

Substandard building materials were used in some constructions, 人们用了许多不合格的建筑材料,

constituting a great potential danger to people's lives. 这给生命造成了严重的威胁。

Therefore, improving building quality should be put on top of the government's agenda  所以,提高房屋质量应该是政府工作的首位,

so as to prevent much of the disastrous effects of earthquakes. 这样才能防止地震造成的损害。

Secondly, earthquake-resistant buildings can effectively withstand earthquakes.  第二,抗震建筑可以有效地抵抗地震带来的损害。

In the Wenchuan earthquake, many people were killed due to the low standard of earthquake-resistant buildings. 在汶川地震中,许多人丧生,这是由于建筑质量问题。

China has adopted new legislation to enforce proper quake-resistant structures. 中国已经推行了新的法律来加强抗震建筑的建造。

Hence adopting an advanced quake-proof technique to build high-standard quake-resistant buildings is indispensable to tragedy prevention from earthquakes. 所以,利用先进的抗震技术来建造高质量的建筑,这对于抗震是至关重要的。

In conclusion, improving the design and the quality of buildings is the best way to prevent the tragic effects from earthquakes.   总结,提高建筑的设计和质量是避免地震损失的有效途径。



Increase Public Transportation 提高公共交通效率

Beijing is faced with an uphill battle to improve deteriorating air quality 北京正在加紧提高空气质量,

and alleviate traffic jams caused by the surge in car use. 减少交通堵塞状况,这些都是因为汽车的增加而造成的。

What is the best way to decrease the number of private automobiles on the road? 减少私家车的最有效途径是什么呢?

In my opinion, developing sustainable public transportation strategies should be given top priority. 我认为,发展可持续性的公共交通是当务之急。

Firstly, a well-managed and punctual public transportation system makes commuting and travelling easier and more convenient. 首先,运行良好的公共交通体系,将会使出行和旅行更加简单和方便。

One big headache for private car drivers is the annoying traffic jams. 私家车主最头疼的就是交通拥堵。

However, some forms of public transport,such as subway, magnetically levitated train and light rail transit 但是,许多公共交通,例如,地铁、磁悬浮列车、轻轨

can help commuters and travellers avoid traffic jams, 都会帮助我们的乘客避免交通堵塞,

greatly reducing their time wasted on the road. 这将会大大减少出行的时间。

Furthermore, by taking public transport,people will no longer be bothered by looking everywhere for a parking place. 此外,乘坐交通工具,人们将不再为停车而烦恼。

Therefore, a service-oriented and user-focused public transportation system 所以,以服务为主题的公共交通体系

will definitely attract more private car owners, 将会吸引司机车主,

making it possible for the car owners to keep their cars in the garage and choose public transport. 这将会使私家车主不开汽车,而是使用公共交通出行。

Secondly, public transport serves as an economic alternative to cars. 第二,比起私家车,公共交通更为省钱。

The Chinese government will provide a total of l.3 billion yuan to help Beijing's bus companies reduce fares to only l yuan per ride. 中国政府已经投资了13亿,这使得公交车的价格仅仅为每人一元。

The high oil price and auto maintenance cost deter car owners from driving their cars. 高油价和养路费将会阻碍人们开车。

Since public transport is so cheap,there should be no economic reason to drive a car in the city. 由于公共交通的廉价,我想,没有人会再开私家车了。

In conclusion, public transportation should be given a strategic position in the city's sustainable development planning 总结,公共交通是一种策略性的方案,这会提高城市可持续发展的水平,

so as to reduce private car use and ultimately relieve the city's traffic jams. 这样我们才能减少私家车的出行,并最终减轻城市交通堵塞问题。



Helping Poor Students Financially 给予贫困生经济补助。

Figures from the Ministry of Education indicate  教育部的数据表明

that about 2.63 million college students in China suffer from poverty,  中国大约有263万人处于贫困状态,

accounting for 19 percent of the total of 13.5 million students enrolled.  这占据了所有1350万学生的19%。

Among them, 1.22 million are categorized as "extremely poor" students. 在这其中,有122万学生是极度贫困。

Higher education institutes across the country should launch different programmes to provide financial aid to poor college students.  全国的高等教育应该建立不同的机制,从而为贫困学生提供资金补助。

The access to financial aid can prevent poor students from dropping out of colleges and universities. 提供经济补助可以避免贫困生辍学。

Programmes such as “Green Passage" enable poor students to enroll and defer tuition payments. 一些如“绿色通道”的项目可以使贫困生获得学费。

The ministry also encourages poor students to apply for state loans.  教育部还鼓励贫困生申请国家贷款。

Ministry figures show that the state loan system,  教育部的数字表明国家贷款系统

introduced in 2000, has aided 2.07 million unrversity students. 是2000年开始生效的,并救助了207万的大学生。

Furthermore, part of the tuition fees collected every year by each university  此外,每年大学收缴的学费

should be used to help poor students,  都应该用来帮助贫困生,

for example, by offering scholarships, tuition waivers and work-study programmes  例如提供奖学金、减免学费、勤工俭学项目,

under which students help outs in libraries,teachers' offices or service departments to earn money. 这个项目会让学生在图书馆、老师办公室、或是其他服务机构挣钱。

Last but not least, implementing a programme for the exemption of tuition and textbook fees for rural poor students  最后,实施减免学费和书本费的项目

and subsidies for poor boarding students can also help ease the financial burden of poor students. 以及为住宿提供津贴等,这些能够减轻贫困生的经济负担。

Statistics show that l.78 million poor students are still in need of financial help, 数据表明,有178万贫困生仍然需要经济补助,

In conclusion, to prevent students from having to abandon their higher studies through financial difficulties, 总结,为了避免学生因经济问题而辍学,

more policies concerning financial aid to poor students need to be mapped out. 我们应该出台解决贫困生经济问题的方案。



Communication Is the Key to Having a Good Dormmate Relationship 交流是促进是室友关系的关键。

Many students find that living in close quarters with one or more roommates can be stressful and challenging. 许多学生发现与室友生活在一起会感到有压力。

Common sources of roommate conflict include differences in lifestyle, culture, habits, preferences,values, and activities.  室友之间的斗争包括在生活方式、文化、习惯、喜好、价值观、参与活动方面的不同。

In my opinion, communication is the most efficient way to maintain a good relationship with dormmates. 我认为,交流是与室友保持关系的最有效方式。

Firstly, open and honest communication is the key to building a positive and successful relationship. 首先,诚恳、公开的交流是构建成功、良好关系的关键。

It is wise to take some time to talk to each other and let your roommates know what is important to you. 互相交流,并让室友知道什么对你来说是重要的。

Talk about how you would like for the four of you to communicate with each other  谈论一下室友之间的交流问题,

and how you talk to others when there is a problem or conflict.  在发生争执时室友是怎样交流的。

Living together can be stressful  生活在一起,学生会感到有压力,

and knowing how other people operate means that you can resolve conflicts before they grow too large. 学生应该熟知室友是如何解决问题的,这样,学生才能在问题扩大化之前解决问题。

Effective communication plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy relationship with roommates. 有效的交流在保持良好关系上占据着重要的地位。

Secondly, people tend to be more open and friendly after smooth communication. 第二,学生通常会表现得非常友好。

Maybe you are anxious and concerned about living with another person.  与他人居住你也许会感到不安。

Your roommates may be experiencing the same issues and concerns and may be under the same pressures.   你的室友或许也有着同样的问题,也同样感到有压力。

Talking to each other about the things that may affect your relationship  室友之间应该进行交谈,这也学会影响学生之间的关系,

as roommates is a sign of being open and friendly,  因为学生通常都会显得比较和蔼,

making it easier to have a good relationship with dormmates. 这样,室友之间的关系也会变好。

In conclusion, it is generally important to resolve roommate issues as they come up, rather than neglect them or let them worsen.  总结,问题出现时,解决问题是非常重要的,而不是忽视它们,并任其发展。

Communication is the key to coping with the stresses and challenges of living with roommates.  交流是解决压力的关键,也是解决与室友生活问题的关键。



Respect.One Another's Differences 尊重他人与我们的不同。

We hear, but we don't listen. 我们不会听从别人的意见。

We don't absorb the points being made. 我们并不接受他人的观点。

What causes this breakdown in communication?  是什么让交流寸步难行?

It's simply because we have different backgrounds, experiences, and histories. 这主要是因为我们有不同的背景、经验、历史。

To counter and prevent misunderstanding we need to respect each other's differences. 为了避免误解,我们需要尊重他人与我们的不同。

Firstly, our need to be understood and appreciated should be based on the knowledge of other people's differences. 首先,人们需要理解并尊重他人,这是基于对他人不同的尊重之上的。

We have different points of view,because of our different backgrounds. 我们有不同的观点,因为我们的背景不同。

When you feel yourself disagreeing with someone, ask yourself how his world view differs from yours. 当你发现他人与你的观点不同时,那你就应该想一想是什么造成了你们之间的分歧。

Putting yourself in his shoes and trying to understand his point of view, 从对方的角度想问题,并试图接纳他人的观点,

you may be surprised to learn you are in complete agreement.  你会惊讶的发现,你们的观点完全相同。

Secondly, the best way to get others to respect your beliefs is by respecting theirs. 第二,让某人尊重你的观点最好的途径是尊重他人。

You may understand their point but still disagree with it. 你或许会明白他人的观点,但可能会不同意他人的想法。

If you opinion is different,of course, you want others to respect your right to disagree.  如果你有不同的观点,当然,你希望别人能够尊重你的不同观点。

Often disagreements arise, because we focus on the words being used instead of focusing on the speaker. 我们通常会有意见相左的时候,这是因为我们关注的是观点,而不是说话人本身。

Although we understand these words, we interpret them differently. 尽管我们同意这些话,但是,我们对这些问题还是有不同的解释。

So it is useful trying to understand and respect the person. 所以,尝试来理解和尊重他人是非常有用的。

To conclude, the way we view the world and interpret events differs. 总结,我们看世界的角度和看问题的方法是不一样的。

These differences easily lead to conflicts.  这些不同会很容易让我们产生分歧。

The first step toward eliminating misunderstanding is to respect other people's differences and beliefs.  避免分歧的第一步就是尊重他人与我们的不同。



Solving the Generation Gap Problem 解决代沟问题。

Although some generational differences have existed throughout history, 尽管我们以前也出现过代沟问题,

during this era differences between the two generations grew significantly in comparison to previous times,  但是,近年来的代沟问题愈演愈烈,比起以前有了明显的增加,

particularly with respect to such matters as musical tastes, fashion, culture and politics. 特别是在音乐风格、时尚、文化、政治等方面。

The only and most important thing to bridge the generation gap is to stay in communication with frank,honest and open chat. 消除代沟的唯一,也是最为重要的方法就是,进行诚恳、开诚布公的交谈。

First of all, communication enables young people to understand the older generation better.  首先,交流能够让年轻人更容易地了解老人。

The younger generation naturally differs in dress,food and habits. 年轻人在着装、食物、习惯上都有了许多的不同。

They think old people do not fit in the modern world,so they tend not to listen to their counsel. 他们认为老人已经适应不了了现代世界的生活,所以,他们不再听从他们的话。

However, older people have more experience and can share their advice with the new generation. 但是,老人有许多经验,并能够与年轻人分享经验。

Secondly, communication makes it easier for old people to understand the younger generation. 第二,交流能够让老人更好地理解年轻人。

Old people are fully convinced of their ideas as ultimate and ideal. 要让老年人完全理解他们的想法是不现实的。

They impose their self-righteous attitude on the young,  他们把自己的思想强加于年轻人身上,

who, however, are becoming rebellious against the central authority of the paternal figure. 这样做只能导致年轻人更加反叛自己的父母。

Teenagers are always talking about their freedom,usually in context of how their parents are obstacles. 青少年总是谈论他们的自由,他们经常谈论他们的父母妨碍他们的自由。

Therefore, effective communication is vital in order to overcome any difficulties. 所以,为了克服这些困难,有效的交流是必不可少的。

In conclusion,there always has been a generation gap since the dawn of civilization . 总结,从文明伊始开始,人类就有了代沟。

More understanding and mutual respect seem to be a good way to narrow the generation gap. 互相了解、互相尊重是缩小代沟的最好方法。

Therefore, communication with frank and honest chat is the key to this problem.  所以,进行开诚布公的交流是解决问题的关键。









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