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主页 > 新闻 > 最新资讯 > 中学生辅导 > 初一英语 | 阅读理解专项复习5篇

初一英语 | 阅读理解专项复习5篇

日期:2023-12-12 13:05 点击:

Hello! I'm Bill Smith. I'm twelve. This is my sister, Jenny. She's ten. We are from the USA. But now we are in China. My father is an English teacher in a school. My mother is a doctor. They work hard.
At school I have a friend. His name is Ben Jones. He's twelve, too. He's from England. We all like China.
1. What's my friend's name? ________.
A. Bill. 
B. Ben.   
C. John.   
D. Jenny.
2. Where is Ben now? _______.
A. In China.   
B. In England.   
C. In the USA.    
D. In Canada.
3. What's Jenny's last name? _________.
A. Jones.   
B. Smith.    
C. Bill.    
D. Ben.
4. What's the last name of Ben's mother? _________.
A. Jones.   
B. Smith.   
C. Bill.    
D. Jenny.
5. Where's Jenny from? ___________.
A. China.   
B. England .   
C. Japan.   
D. The USA.
Look at these things. This is Mr. Wang's ID card. And this is Jim's watch, that's Mary's key. Gina's notebook is over there. Look! What's that on the floor? Oh, it's a gold ring. It's Jenny's ring. It's very nice.
1. This is Mr. Wang's __________.
A. notebook    
B. key   
C. ID card   
D. watch
2.__________ notebook is over there.
A. Jim's   
B. Gina's   
C. Jenny's   
D. Mary's hine
3. Is this Jim's watch? ________.
A. Yes, it is.   
B. No, it isn't.   
C. Yes, he is.    
D. No, he isn't.
4. Is Jenny's ring very nice? __________.
A. Yes, she is.   
B. No, she isn't.   
C. Yes, it is.   
D. No, it isn't.
5. Mr. Wang's name is on his_________ .
A. ring   
B. watch   
C. key   
D. ID card
There is a telephone on my desk. It's my good friend. It helps me a lot. My telephone number is 8445816 . Sometimes when I have something to talk about with my classmates. I don't need to go out. I call them. I write down many telephone numbers of my friends. My best friend John's number is 8459471 . When I can't remember my homework, I ask him by telephone. There are some "Telephone Messages" beside my telephone. When I am out, my mother writes down the massages for me.
1. Whose telephone number is 8445816?
A. John's mother's.   
B. His own.  
C. His classmate's.  
D. John's.
2. What time does he call his classmates?
A. When he doesn't know how to do his homework.
B. When he doesn' t remember the telephone numbers of others.
C. When he forgets what the homework is.
D. When he doesn't need to go out.
3. Why does mother write down the massage for him? Because ________.
A. he isn't out  
B. he is working at his lessons
C. he forgets the phone number   
D. he isn't in
4. What does he think of the telephone?
A. Useless   
B. Important   
C. Best friend   
D. Helpless
5. Where is the telephone?
A. In his office.   
B. In his house.   
C. In his classroom.   
D. In his room.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown are from America. They are now teaching English in Zhengzhou. Their son Jack is with them. Jack speaks English. They want him to learn some Chinese. Jack is in Grade Three in a Chinese school. He plays with Chinese children every day. He listens to Chinese, speaks(讲) Chinese, reads books in Chinese and writes in Chinese. He is doing well in his Chinese.
1. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are________.
A. Chinese   
B. English   
C. America   
D. Americans
2. They are working ________ now.
A. at school  
B. in China   
C. in America   
D. in Grade 3
3. Jack is________.
A. a student in a Chinese school  B. a girl from America
C. in Class One, Grade Three   D. learning English
4. Jack likes to play with________.
A. his father   
B. his mother   
C. his brothers   
D. Chinese children
5. Jack learns the Chinese language (语言) by________.
A. listening to the language  
B. listening to the language and speaking it
C. reading books in Chinese and writing in it
D. listening, speaking, reading and writing
Dear Jim,
I'm in Hangzhou now. I will spend(度过) the next three years here. I'm in No. 6 Middle School. It's a good school. The people here are very friendly. My best friend is Li Lei, and my favourite food is Dongpo pork(猪肉).
Now I'm writing to you in my bedroom. We have a new home here in China. It's different from our old home in America. Our new house is white, and the old one is red. The walls of my bedroom are blue. My mother is watering some flowers. My father is repairing a car. I'm going to do my homework. Please write back soon.
1. What school is Tom in?
A. No. 5 Middle School.  
B. No. 6 Middle School.
C. No. 7 Middle School.   
D. No. 16 Middle School.
2. Who's Tom's best friend?(  )  
A. Li Lei.   
B. Lucy.  
C. Jim.   
D. John.
3. What color are the walls of Tom's bedroom?
A. Red.  
B. White.  
C. Blue.   
D. Yellow.
4. What's Tom's father doing?
A. Fixing a plane.  
B. Watering some flowers. 
C. Fixing a car. 
D. Repairing a bike.
5. Where's Tom from?(  ) 
A. England. 
B. Australia. 
C. America. 
D. Canada.
(1) Keys: 1——5 BABAD
(2)Keys: 1——5 CBACD
(3)1. B2. C3. D4. B5. D
3.“I am out”是外出,不在家里的意思。be out=be not in。
4. 由文章内容可知。 
5.从“There is a telephone on my desk”可以推测出,电话的具体位置应该是在他的房间里。
(4 )1. D2. A3. A4. D5. D
( 5 )1. B2. A3. C4. C5. C
1.由“I am in No.6 Middle School.”可以得出答案。
2.这封信是Tom写给Jim的。Tom告诉Jim,Li Lei是他的好朋友。
3.由“The walls of my bedroom are blue.”可知,Tom的房间是蓝色的。
4.由“My father is repairing a car.”可知,Tom的父亲在修车。
5.由“It is different from our old home in America.”可知,现在的家和在美国的家有很大同。由此我们也可以看出他们是从美国来的。答案:C





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标签:新概念英语    中考英语辅导    高考英语辅导    




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