come是“来”,clean是“干净的”,但老外要是跟你说“come clean”,可不是叫你“过来擦干净”,那是什么意思?comeclean先来看come clean的英文解释:If you come clean about something, you tell the truth about it.表示和某人说实话,毫不掩饰。所以,come clean的真正含义是:全盘托出、坦白交待,也就是我们常说的“摊牌”。【例句】It was time to come cleanwith my mother. 该是和我母亲说实话的时候了。
show hand“摊牌”的另一个地道表达,show hand原本是赌场的一个术语,表示一把全部压上,俗称“梭哈”。后来就引申为:坦白、摊牌。下面是show hand的英文解释:To make one's plans, intentions, ideas known to others, especially those that were previously hidden or kept secret.把某人之前藏着掖着的计划、意图、想法告诉他人。常用表达是:show one's hand【例句】Show your hand, otherwise I am afraid I can't help you. 请说清楚你的意图,否则我恐怕帮不了你。lay your cards on the table这个表达比较好理解,把你的牌都摆到桌面来,也就是摊牌。口语中也可以用来表示引申含义的“摊牌”。【例句】I think it's time to lay your cards on the table. 我想是时候摊牌了。