

日期:2024-09-27 09:49  点击:

"give me a hand"意思是“帮我一个忙”或者“搭把手”。它常用于请求帮助,尤其是在需要物理协助或解决问题时。比如:


情景 1:抬箱子

A: Hey, can you give me a hand with these boxes? They’re too heavy for me to carry alone. 

B: Sure! I’ll help you out.

A: 嘿,你能帮我搬这些箱子吗?它们太重了,我一个人搬不动。

B: 当然!我来帮你。


情景 2:扶椅子

A: I’m trying to fix this chair, but I need someone to hold it steady. Can you give me a hand? 

B: Of course, no problem!

A: 我正在修这把椅子,但我需要有人帮我稳住它。你能帮我一下吗? 

B: 当然,没问题!




1) lend me a hand

A: Could you lend me a hand with setting up the tent? It’s tricky to do alone. 

B: Yeah, let me grab the other end for you.

A: 你能帮我搭帐篷吗?一个人弄挺麻烦的。 

B: 好的,我来帮你拉另一头。


2) help me out

A: I’ve got a lot of errands to run today. Can you help me out by picking up the kids from school? 

B: Sure, I can do that.

A: 我今天有很多事情要处理。你能帮我去接孩子放学吗? 

B: 当然,我可以帮你。


3) do me a favor

A: Could you do me a favor and watch my dog while I’m out of town this weekend? 

B: I’d be happy to help!

A: 你能帮我个忙,这周末我不在,你能照看一下我的狗吗? 

B: 我很乐意帮忙!

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