

日期:2024-09-18 13:34  点击:



Today, it is possible for ordinary people to travel in space, but it certainly isn’t common. However, some   1   are planning ahead. 

Tourists will stay in specially designed space hotels in space. The first ones will probably be   2   individual modules that are linked together. As tourism   3  , these structures will be developed into grand hotels.

What   4   will space hotels offer? There are plans to build huge space   5   where people can enjoy water sports and various ball games. 

Surveys show that the first thing most people want to do in space is   6   Earth. As you orbit Earth, the view is constantly   7  . You see mountains, deserts, oceans, rivers, clouds, and even city lights at night. 

Space vacations will cost money, of course;   8  , you won’t be able to bring the forms of   9   we use on Earth. You can’t use cash because any notes with sharp edges could   10   people or equipment. Credit and debit cards wont   11   because radiation from the universe would destroy their magnetic strips. 

The foreign exchange company Travelex believes it has the   12  . They have developed a form of   13   called the QUID. The QUID is made of a special kind of plastic and has no   14   sharp edges. Travelex has also developed a new kind of wallet to carry QUIDs and to   15   them floating around inside the gravity-free areas of a spacecraft.

1. A. scientists  B. countries  C. traveler  D. companies

2. A. perfect  B. simple   C. nice   D. real

3. A. stops  B. falls   C. increases  D. returns

4. A. plans  B. routes   C. activities  D. rules

5. A. stadiums  B. platforms  C. parks   D. stages

6. A. look for  B. look up  C. look at   D. look into

7. A. missing  B. rushing  C. rising   D. changing

8. A. instead  B. however  C. thus   D. otherwise

9. A. transport  B. equipment  C. messages  D. payment

10. A. link  B. help   C. damage  D. surprise

11. A. work  B. exist   C. open   D. form

12. A. lesson  B. answer   C. future   D. problem

13. A. sport  B. money   C. plastic   D. wallet

14. A. useless  B. strange  C. attractive  D. dangerous

15. A. prevent  B. keep   C. find   D. notice




 module n. (航天器上独立的)舱

 grand adj. 壮丽的;堂皇的

 orbit vt. 围绕……运动

magnetic strip n. (塑料卡上附有信息的)磁条

float vi. 浮动;漂流




There are plans to build huge space   5   where people can enjoy water sports and various ball games. (Para. 3)

这是一个主从复合句。“to build huge...”为动词不定式短语作_____,修饰“plans”;where引导_____________。








1. D 根据最后一段中的“Tho foreign exchange company Travelex”可知,一些公司已经开始提前计划了。故选D。


2. B 根据设空后的“individual modules”以及下文的“these structures will be developed into grand hotels”可知,首批太空旅馆可能是一些连在一起的结构简单的独立舱。故选B。


3. C 根据下文的“these structures will be developed into grand hotels”可知,此处是说随着旅游业规模的日益扩大,这些连在一起的独立舱会发展成豪华的大酒店。increase意为“增加,增长”;stop意为“停止”;fall意为“落下”;return意为“返回”。故选C。


4. C 根据下文的“water sports and various ball games”可知,此处是说太空旅馆将提供什么样的活动呢。故选C。


5. A 根据下文的“water sports and various ball games”可知,此处是说太空旅馆有计划要建造一些太空体育馆。stadium意为“体育馆”;platform意为“平台”;park意为“公园”;stage意为“舞台”。故选A。


6. C 根据下文的“You see mountains, deserts...”可知,调查显示大多数人在太空中想做的第一件事就是观看地球。故选C。


7. D 根据上文的“you orbit Earth”可知,因为太空旅游是绕地球飞行,因此人们看到的景色在不断地变化。故选D。


8. B “享受太空假期当然需要花钱”和“太空中不能带任何形式的……”之间是转折关系,故。故选B。


9. D 根据下文中的“cash”“Credit and debit cards”可知,这些都是人们在地球上使用的付款方式。payment意为“付款,支付”;transport意为“运输工具”;equipment意为“设备”;message意为“消息”。故选D。


10. C 根据下文的“destroy their magnetic strips”可推测,此处是说在太空中不能使用现金,因为任何有锋利边缘的纸币都可能损伤人或设备。故选C。


11. A 根据设空后的“radiation from the universe would destroy their magnetic strips”可知,来自宇宙的辐射可能会毁坏磁条,因此信用卡和借记卡在太空都不能用。故选A。


12. B 根据下文的“developed... the QUID”可知,针对人们在地球上使用的付款方式在太空中不能用的情况,外币兑换公司Travelex认为他们有解决这一问题的办法。answer意为“答案”,符合语境。故选B。


13. B QUID是由外币兑换公司Travelex研发的,故其是一种货币形式。故选B。


14. D 根据上文的“any notes with sharp edges could... people or equipment”可知,QUID是一种由塑料制成的货币,并且没有危险的锋利边缘。dangerous意为“危险的”;useless意为“无用的”;strange意为“陌生的”;attractive意为“吸引人的”。故选D。


15. A Travelex同时还研发了与QUID配套使用的钱包,目的是防止QUID在零重力的飞船里漂浮。故选A。




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