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中考英语 | 语法填空专练 (1-5)+答案解析

日期:2023-08-28 15:20 点击:


    Friends are important to everyone, ________, some people may have trouble ________ (keep) their friendships. Here are some tips on how to make your friendship ________ (deep) and stronger.

    ★Be yourself. A lot of teens try not to lose the friendship once they become friends with some people. Though your identity (身份) is always changing, some of your personality will stay pretty much ________ same. Find out ________ those things are, think hard about who you want to be, and then show yourself ________ (honest) to the people around you.

    ★Avoid gossip (八卦). Friends shouldn't spread rumors (谣言) about other friends. If you've heard something bad about your friends, ________ (find) a proper way of asking them about it by ________ (you). If you're not sure how to talk to them about it, ask a trusted friend for advice.

    ★Protect your friends. Very often, somebody that you're not close to doubts one of your ________ (friend). It's important to find out both sides of the story, but it's also a good chance to show your friend that you trust him by telling him.

    ★Return the care. There are times when a friend will lend you a textbook, or a shoulder to cry on. A good friend will cheer you up when you're in trouble and listen patiently when your friend shares a problem ________ you. Be sure you are as helpful as your friend, because he will take notice and feel good you.

【答案】 however;keeping;deeper;the;what;honest;find;yourself;friends;with  


 (1)句意:然而,有些人可能在保持友谊上有麻烦。根据上文 Friends are important to everyone 朋友对每个人都很重要,可知此处为转折,然而有些人可能在保持友谊上有麻烦,应用转折连词however。故答案为however。

 (2)句意:有些人可能在保持友谊上有麻烦。根据固定搭配have trouble doing sth.做某事有麻烦,可知此处应用动词keep的ing形式keeping。故答案为keeping。



 (5)句意:找到那些东西是什么。根据宾语those things,那些动词,可知应用疑问词what。故答案为what。


 (7)句意:找到一个合适的方式问他们。根据下文 If you're not sure how to talk to them about it, ask a trusted friend for advice. 如果你不确定如何和他们讨论,问一个你信任的朋友要建议,可知此处应用动词原形引导祈使句表劝告。故答案为find。

 (8)句意:找到一个合适的方式自己问他们。根据固定搭配,by oneself,自己,可知应用代词you的反身代词yourself,故答案为yourself。

 (9)句意:某个你不亲近的朋友怀疑你的一个朋友。根据固定搭配,one of+可数名词复数 ,可知此处应填名词friend的复数形式friends,故答案为friends。

 (10)句意:当你的朋友和你分享一个问题。根据固定搭配,share sth. with sb.,和某人分享某物,可知此处应填介词with,故答案为with。




    A wealthy old man lived alone in a big house. He was growing ________ (weak) day by day. Since he was unable to look after ________ (him), he decided to hire (雇佣) a nurse to take care ________ him.

    One day, the old man interviewed two ________ (nurse)—Anthony and Peter. Anthony was a handsome young man while Peter looked quite ordinary. The old man asked Anthony to make tea for him. After Anthony left, the old man turned to Peter and said, "Anthony has ________ (give) me a very bad account of you. He said you are rude and untrustworthy. Is this correct?"

    Peter thought for a minute and said, "________ Anthony has a bad opinion of me, there must be something wrong with me. I should take some time to change these things."

    The old man was very impressed by Peter's words. At the same time, Anthony came back with ________ cup of tea for the old man.

    The old man sent Peter to make breakfast for him. He then returned to Anthony and told him. "Peter spoke very poorly of you while you were gone. ________ do you think about this?" After hearing this, Anthony shouted ________ (angry).

    In the end, Peter ________ (choose). Peter looked quite common, but he had impressive inner beauty.

【答案】 weaker;himself;of;nurses;given;If;a;What;angrily;was chosen  


 (1)句意: 他一天比一天虚弱。weak是形容词,形容词修饰系动词grow,根据day by day可知是比较级weaker,故填 weaker。

 (2)句意: 因为他不能照顾自己 ,他决定雇一个护士来照顾他。look after oneself,照顾自己,主语是he,故反身代词是himself,故填 himself。

 (3)句意:因为他不能照顾自己 ,他决定雇一个护士来照顾他。take care of,固定搭配,照顾,故填of 。

 (4)句意:一天,老人面试两个护士—— Anthony and Peter 。two后是可数名词复习,nurse,是可数名词,故填nurses。

 (5)句意: 安东尼对你的评价很差。根据助动词has可知此处是现在完成时,故填过去分词,give的过去分词是given,故填given 。


 (7)句意:同时,安东尼给老人端了杯茶回来。cup是名词单数,以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a表示泛指,a cup of,固定搭配,一杯……,故填a。



 (10)句意:最后,Peter被录用。根据 Peter looked quite common  , 可知时态是一般过去时,choose与主语Peter是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是第三人称单数,故助动词是was,choose的过去分词是chosen,故填 was chosen 。




    From deserts and beaches to playgrounds, sand is a common sight. But you might not know that sand is also a useful resource. Sand is the second most-used resource in the world after water, the BBC reported. However, the UN said that sand is not limitless and that we might be running out of ________.

    Sand is made up of very small ________ (piece) of rock, soil and minerals(矿物质). It can take tens of thousands of years to form. But now we are using sand more________ (quick) than it is being formed. According to the BBC, we use about 15 billion tons of sand every year ________ build houses, roads and other things. People also put sand in the________ [si:] to make new islands. For example, the Palm islands are made up of three________ [lɑːdʒ] man-made islands in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. In 2010, they ________ (take) 94 million cubic meters of sand to build. If people keep________(use) this much sand, it will run out in many places. For example, Vietnam may run out of construction sand by 2020, Live Science noted.

    ________ [sins] people need so much sand, they are trying to mine(开采) more of it. But this is bad for the environment. Mining sand may ________ beaches to disappear and more floods to happen in places close to the sea. Also, this may affect the habitats (栖息地) of many plants and animals.

【答案】 it;pieces;quickly;to;sea;large;took;using;Since;cause  


 (1)句意:然而,联合国说,沙子并不是无限的,我们有可能会用完它们。run out of“用完,用尽”的意思。这里用it来指代上文的沙子(sand是不可数名词)。故答案为:it。

 (2)句意:沙子由非常小的岩石、土壤和矿物质组成。根据rock, soil and minerals(矿物质)可知,这是几种成分,因此piece用复数pieces。故答案为:pieces。


 (4)句意:据英国广播公司报道,我们每年用大约150亿吨沙子建造房屋、道路和其他东西。根据固定搭配 use sth. to do sth. 用某物做某物,可知此处用动词不定式to do做目的状语。故答案为:to。


 (6)句意:例如,棕榈岛由阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜的三个大型人工岛屿组成的。由语境和音标[lɑːdʒ]提示可知,填:large,three large man-made islands三个大型的人工岛屿。故答案为:large。

 (7)句意:2010年,他们用9400万立方米的沙子建造。根据时间状语In 2010可知,本题的时态为一般过去时。动词take的过去式为took。故答案为:took。

 (8)句意:如果人们继续使用这么多沙子,它会在很多地方用完。根据固定搭配keep doing sth. 继续做某事,可知此处应用动名词做宾语,动词use的动名词为using。故答案为:using。

 (9)句意:由于人们需要这么多沙子,他们正试图开采更多的沙子。由语境和音标 [sins] 提示可知,填:since,表自……以来、因为、由于。句首单词首字母要大写。故答案为:Since。

 (10)句意:开采沙可能会导致海滩消失,在靠近大海的地方会发生更多的洪水。根据beaches to disappear and more floods to happen in places close to the sea海滩消失,在靠近大海的地方会发生更多的洪水,可知这些是开采沙所导致的后果,因此填:cause。may是情态动词,后跟动词原形。故答案为:cause。




    Thomas Edison was a great American ________ (invent).When he was________child, he was always asking questions and trying out new ideas. No matter________ hard it was, he never gave up.

    Young Tom was in school for only three ________ (month). His teacher didn't understand why he had so many strange questions. Most of ________(they) were not about his lessons. The teacher didn't want to teach Tom any more. He asked Tom's mother to take the boy home. Tom's mother taught him ________ (read) and write, and she found him a very good student. He learnt very fast and became very ________(interest) in science.

    One day, he saw a little boy ________(play) on the railway tracks (铁轨) at a station. A train was coming near quickly, and the boy was too frightened (恐惧) to move. Edison rushed out and took him away ________ (safe). The boy's father was so thankful that he taught Edison to send messages ________telegraph (电报).

【答案】 inventor;a;how;months;them;to read;interested;playing;safely;by  


 (1)句意:托马斯·爱迪生是一位伟大的美国发明家。根据 a great American是形容词,故前后是名词单数,invent是动词,名词是inventor。故填inventor。


 (3)句意:无论多么困难,他都不会放弃。hard是副词,根据语序it was可知,no matter how表示"无论如何"的意思,引导让步状语从句。故填how。



 (6)句意:汤姆的母亲教他读写。taught是teach的过去式,教某人做某事teach sb. to do sth.,故填to read。

 (7)句意:她妈妈发现他是个很好的学生。他学得很快,对科学很感兴趣。对什么感兴趣be interested in sth.是个固定短语搭配。故填interested。

 (8)句意:一天,他看到一个小男孩在火车站的铁轨上玩耍。saw是see的过去式,看到某人在做某事应为see sb. doing sth.,故填playing。



 【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意名词复数,词性,介词,和see sb. doing sth的固定搭配等多种用法。



    People spend almost a third of their lives doing one thing—sleeping. Every year, there is a day for people around the world to celebrate the ________ (important) of good and healthy sleep—World Sleep Day.

    Sleep is like food for the brain. Healthy sleep helps the body and brain grow and develop. People of different ages need different amounts of sleep. It is said that eight hours per night ________ (consider) the average amount of sleep. For students aged 10 to 17, a healthy amount is about eight to nine hours per night. However, last year, the China Youth and Children Research Center ________ (report) that about four ________ (five) of middle school students didn't get enough sleep. For some students, they want to sleep early, but they keep ________ (worry) about their schoolwork and can't fall ________ (sleep) quickly. A lack (缺乏) of sleep can greatly affect (影响) a person's life. Students who don't get enough sleep may get poor grades. They cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports.

    ________ (solve) this kind of problem, scientists advise that students should have ________ (little) schoolwork and more time to sleep. There are some other ways to help people get enough sleep, such as ________ (take) a 20-minute nap (午睡) during the day, trying to go to sleep earlier and so on . Good sleeping habits are also ________ (help). For example, try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends and during the day.

【答案】 importance;is considered;reported;fifths;worrying/worried;asleep;To solve;less;taking;helpful  



 (2)句意:据说每晚8小时的睡眠时间被认为是平均睡眠时间。由题干可知主语eight hours与动词consider之间存在被动关系,所以应用被动语态,文章时态为一般现在时,时间作主语谓语动词用单数,所以be动词用is,consider的过去分词是considered,故答案填is considered。

 (3)句意:然而,去年中国青少年研究中心报道。由last year可知,动词时态用一般过去时,report的过去式为reported,故答案填reported。

 (4)句意:大约五分之四的中学生睡眠不足。这里考查分数的表达方法,在英语中一般用基数词表示分数的分子,用序数词表示分数的分母;当分子大于1时,分母要用复数形式,所以五分之四的正确书写是four fifths,故答案填fifths。

 (5)句意:对于一些学生来说,他们想早点睡觉,但是他们总是担心他们的学业。keep doing sth.或者keep+形容词,都表示“使…处于某种状态”,worried,是形容词,故答案填worrying/worried。

 (6)句意:他们不能很快入睡。联系上文语境,结合提示词可知此处句意为“他们不能很快入睡。”“入睡”fall asleep,固定词组,前面有情态动词can't,所以这里用动词原形,故答案填asleep。

 (7)句意:为了解决这类问题。这里应用动词不定式表示目的,故答案填To solve。

 (8)句意:科学家建议学生应该少做功课,多睡觉。根据后面的more time to sleep可知此处应表达的是“作更少的功课”,句中暗含比较级,little的比较级为less,故答案填less。

 (9)句意:比如白天小睡20分钟。such as意思是“比如”,as是介词后接动词ing形式,故答案填taking。







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