日期:2021-01-14 09:58 点击:
First, from the aspect of grammaticality or idiomaticity:
"My ... is poor" isn't very idiomatic in English.
“My ... is poor”在英语中并不是很地道
"My swimming is poor" well... "I'm a poor swimmer" or "I'm not a very good swimmer" might be better.
你说“My swimming is poor”不如说“I'm a poor swimmer”或者“I'm not a very good swimmer”。
"My speaking skills are poor"... How about "I'm a poor speaker" or "I'm not good at speaking"?
“My speaking skills are poor”...不如说成“I'm a poor speaker”或者“I'm not good at speaking”。
In each case, using "poor" as a predicative adjective is not very idiomatic. The more idiomatic alternatives are to say "I'm poor at...", "I'm not good at...", "My ... isn't very good".
在每种情况下,用poor作表语来形容都不是惯用的用法。更地道的说法是“I'm poor at...”,“I'm not good at...”,“My ... isn't very good”。
If you want to include slangy expressions, you might say "My English sucks" --- but if your English was good enough to say that, you wouldn't need to say it at all!
如果你想用一些俚语表达,你可能会说“My English sucks”——但是得是你英语很好才会用到这样俚语表达,侧面也就说明了你根本就不用说你英语不好。
Second, from the cultural or sociolinguistic aspect:
Telling people your English is poor is just a statement; saying it won't necessarily get the effect that you want.
If you say "My English is poor" ,you might only succeed in getting people to say "No, your English is fine! Better than mine!", but that's not what you want.
如果你说“My English is poor”,那么你很有可能会成功得到别人回复你说“不,你英语挺好的!比我好!”,但是这并不是你真正想要的效果。
If you want the other person to be aware that you're still struggling with English and to make allowances for that, there are probably better ways of putting it.
For instance, "Sorry, I haven't been learning English for very long, could you (...say that again please, ... slow down a bit, etc.)" or even "I'm still just learning English".
If you want to signal that your expression may be awkward or you're not sure if you will be taken the right way, you might say "Sorry, I'm not sure how to say this in English but..."
And in fact, if your English is really that "poor", people will pick up on it quite quickly. It may not be necessary to say anything at all.
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