日期:2024-12-09 13:18 点击:
One Major Advantage of Electronic Dictionaries
The Advantages of Private Schools
过去的二十年见证了中国私立学校的蓬勃发展。如今,学习机构不再由国家单独经营。就我个人而言,我认为私立学校的优点大于缺点。 私立学校最初的优点是,他们在选择课程方面比同等的公立学校更加自由。因此,学生更容易受到适合他们个人能力的教育。此外,之前所有的学校,不管是小学,高中或大学,都是统一由国家经营,这种统一性不利于多样性的发展。教学的内容和科目并没有考虑学生自己的兴趣爱好。然而,这一趋势可能改变,因为现在私立学校出现并迅速发展,而且私立学校的教学设施很齐全。新建筑,最先进的多媒体技术,更大的校园环境和高薪的师资,都有利于为学生提供更好的教学和学习环境。此外,对于那些没能被公立学校或者大学录取的学生来说,私立学校可以作为另一种选择来让学生继续求学。私立学校的发展增多了学生的学习地点,而且为教师提供了更多的工作岗位。另一个因素就是小班授课,这样能够让学生有更多的机会与老师单独沟通。在最后的分析中,总的来说,我认为私立学校的引入有利学生和教育作为一个整体共同发展。
The Internet Makes Job Hunting More Efficient
In conclusion, the efficiency and effectiveness of the Internet for job seekers is a huge advantage which is reflected in the growing number of positions available online.
One Major Advantage of Being Independent
University Education Should Be Available for All
My Idea of a Good Student-Teacher Relationship
My idea of a good student-teacher relationship would have to include a mutual respect on both sides.
It is also important that a student can rely on the teacher to be fair and consistent in their relationship with the class. I do not believe that a good relationship depends on the level of social contact outside of the classroom, but it is a contributing factor. Sometimes, a teacher can cause acute embarrassment to a student in the classroom and that embarrassment can be felt by all the other students. Such insensitivity presents a hurdle in developing a good relationship. Inconsistency and not keeping promises are other areas which can make it difficult to have a good relationship.There is a marked difference between a teacher who is strict and always serious and one who is firm but tempered with a sense of humour. Students usually recognise a teacher who makes a conscientious effort to help them with their studies.
In conclusion, building up a good student-teacher rapport is not a one-sided exercise and it is not one that will evolve overnight. It requires time, consideration and respect on both sides. When a teacher shows interest in other activities of their students, it can have a significant impact on the student-teacher relationship.
Cheating in Exams Leads to a Loss of Integrity
In my opinion, cheating in an exam is a matter of one's integrity. It is easy to be dishonest and deceive other people but it is much harder to deceive one's self. A person who cheats knows they are doing the wrong thing and, as such, it is a reflection on their character.
One reason why I, personally, do not advocate cheating is that I would lose my sense of self-respect. To me, my integrity is too valuable to risks the damage that would be caused if I were to cheat. Apart from the fact that I would know I had done the wrong thing, it would generate a concern about being found out. Another consequence of cheating is that it proves one has not acquired the knowledge necessary to warrant the qualification sought. If the cheating results in being awarded a certificate, to me, that certificate would represent a constant reminder of the stain on my integrity.
In the final analysis, cheating comes down to one's character and the degree of self-respect you have. I prefer to earn what I want based on my own ability and efforts rather than become a second-rate person by cheating.
我个人不提倡作弊的原因之一是,那会使我失去自尊。对我来说,我的诚信是无价的,不能承受作弊造成的任何损害。且不说我知道我是在做错事,我也会担心自己会不会被发现。欺骗的另一个后果是,它证明了一个人没有保证其资格的必要知识。 如果通过作弊获得一个证书,对我来说,那个证书将会是时刻提醒我诚信方面污点的警示。
Difficulties with Students' Evaluation of Their Teacher
The students' evaluation of their teacher can be a very subjective proposition because it depends a lot on how the evaluation is made and how it is subsequently used. I believe most teachers would like to know how effective their teaching really is and how it benefits their students.
A difficulty with students' evaluation of their teacher is finding the right formulae to achieve an honest, constructive and independent response. The size and makeup of the class can be a reason for this difficulty. The larger the class the more likely will be the range of ability in the students. That fact limits the interaction between the teacher and individual students and automatically influences how students will perceive the effectiveness of their teacher.Smaller classes are much less likely to have a great range of ability in the students and their evaluation of their teacher will tend to be more consistent. A crucial aspects with students' evaluation is how it is used. If it is a formal part of the school's program it needs to be used constructively in liaison with the teachers for the benefit of both teachers and students.
For students' evaluations to be worthwhile they need to be independent and honest. Negative comments from students, delivered with sincerity, can be very valuable in helping teachers change their teaching methods and making them more effective. Biased evaluations can lead to misinterpretation and less productive outcome.
学生评价老师是非常主观的事情,因为它很大程度上取决于评价的形成方法,以及评价之后的使用情况。 我相信大多数教师想知道他们自己的教学效果,以及教学对学生的好处。
学生评价老师的困难在于,很难找到合适的规则来获得学生诚实的,有建设性的、独立的回应。班级的大小和构成也是困难的原因之一。班级人数越多,学生的能力差异就越大。 这一事实限制了教师和学生个体之间的互动,自然就会影响学生看待他们的老师的有效性。较小的班级,学生的能力差异一般不会很大,他们对老师的评价会趋于一致。学生评价的一个重要方面是评价的使用情况。 如果它是学校程序的一部分,那就需要通过联系学生和老师的共同利益,来建设性地使用评价结果。
Class Attendance Should Be Compulsory
Although some students argue that class attendance should not be compulsory either because the classes are boring or because they can learn more on their own, I believe that making class attendance compulsory is beneficial for both students and teachers.
First, it is beneficial for students because most universities have a regulation that states if students miss one-third of their classes they will not be allowed to take the final exam. So students being absent from class punish themselves by missing out on the exam and face having to retake the class during the next semester.Furthermore, many teachers tie in attendance with marks. For example, my English teacher awards 10 percent of the final marks for attendance with percent being deducted for every absence. In some cases, lack of attendance could mean the difference between a pass or fail. Second, it is beneficial for teachers because a full class complement shows respect for the teacher and the university education system. If a teacher prepares to teach a class it is only right that students turn up to be taught. If it is not compulsory for students to attend classes then teachers could say that what is good for the goose is good for the ganders too and refuse to take classes. Clearly this would lead to a breakdown of the entire university system.
In conclusion, making class attendance compulsory benefits both students and teachers by allowing students to maximize their marks and allowing teachers to be respected for their professional duties.
但也有一些学生认为,上课不应该强制,因为上课很无聊,或是因为他们可以自学更多知识, 我认为,强制上课有利于学生和教师。
首先,它有利于学生,因为大多数大学都规定,如果学生没参加他们所学课程的三分之一,将没有资格参加期末考试。 所以学生逃课是在惩罚自己,他们会因此不能参加考试,还要在下学期重新参加课程。此外,许多教师将上课出勤率与成绩挂钩。例如,我的英语老师,在扣除了每次逃课的百分数之后,在我的最终成绩上增加了10%的奖励分数。在某些情况下,不参加课程意味着通过或失败的区别。其次,它有利于教师,因为学生全部出席是对老师和大学教育体系的尊重。如果一个老师准备教一个班,那么所有学生就应当来参加课程。如果不是强制要求学生上课,那么老师可以照葫芦画瓢拒绝上课。很明显,这将导致整个大学系统的崩溃。
总之, 强制性上课有利于学生和老师,因为这可以使学生的分数最大化,同时老师也能够在教学方面受到应有的尊重。
Both Computers and Teachers
It is obvious that computers are increasingly becoming an accepted part of the education process. The development of sophisticated software has produced a vast array of user-friendly learning aids to benefit both students and teachers. However, the cost factor for using this technology in the classroom can represent a problem for some schools. Therefore, I believe that both computers and teachers are necessary.
One of the important benefits of computer-aided learning is that it allows the students to study at their own paces by going back over the information to acquire a proper understanding. This gives the teacher a better insight into a student's ability and recognition of the areas that are of concern. Another benefit is that learning software can utilise all three learning techniques of hearing, seeing and doing which greatly reinforces acquisition. One of the difficulties in adopting the use of computers is in the selection of the most suitable software programs from the huge variety available. The selection process should involve verifying the accuracy of the information used in the program and confirmation of the program's effectiveness from practical experience. Computer-aided learning does seem to be the way of the future but I cannot see that it should ever become a stand-alone process. Computers are not perfect and there is nothing like having a teacher on hand to provide practical help when needed.
In conclusion, computers and teachers are both necessary in the classroom because they complement each other for the benefit of the students.
很明显,电脑日渐成为教育过程的一部分。成熟软件的发展,创造了大量有利于学生和老师的简便的教学工具。然而, 在教室里使用这种技术的成本因素,能够反映一些学校的问题。 因此,我认为电脑和老师都是必要的。
总之, 在教室中,电脑和教师都是必要的,因为他们是为了学生的利益而相辅相成的。
Preventing an Obsession with Dieting
I believe the craving some young women have to copy what is promoted as the ideal figure for a woman is the cause of their obsession with excessive dieting. A great deal of media advertising makes use of young, slim, attractive women and it is understandably natural that some women want to copy what they see as the ideal role model. Obsessive dieting certainly does happen, as is illustrated by the numerous articles in magazines about people suffering from anorexia. Almost exclusively, this obsession relates to younger women who are constantly bombarded with the supposedly ideal woman as depicted in women's fashion magazines, Most of these fashion models are very slim, some of them excessively so. There is nothing wrong with a sensible controlled diet aimed at losing some excess weight but, when the need to diet becomes an all-consuming passions, that is when the danger occurs. Often, the people who become susceptible to the lure of the "perfect" figure are not aware of what is happening to them. Usually, preventing dieting becoming an obsession will depend on friends and relatives recognising the warning signs. As for preventing the basic cause of this problem, that is a much more complex issue as it involves the standard mores of the society and people being aware of their responsibilities.Education about the dangers of excessive dieting needs to be part of the solution for prevention.
In conclusion, an obsession with dieting can be prevented by friends and relatives of the dieter as well as an education campaign about the dangers of excessive dieting.
我相信,一些年轻女性渴望获得理想身材,是她们沉迷于过度节食的原因。大多数媒体利用年轻、苗条、漂亮的女性做广告,那么一些女性渴望成为她们所看到的那些完美的模特,是很自然的。过度节食确实发生,正如杂志上的很多文章写道一些人得了厌食症。沉迷于节食的人,几乎完全是年轻的女性,因为她们不断受到时尚杂志中所刻画的美女的刺激,这些时装模特非常苗条,有些人骨瘦如柴。通过合理控制饮食,来减肥达到正常的体重范围之内,没有错。但当节食的需要成为消耗一切的激情之时,危险就会产生。通常,很容易被完美身材诱惑的人,不会察觉自己身上所发生的事情。通常,防止沉迷节食,需要依靠亲戚朋友发现危险信号。 防止这个问题的根本原因,是一个更为复杂的问题,因为它涉及到社会的道德标准,以及人们对自己责任的认知。关于过度节食的危险的教育,是预防解决这一问题的方法之一。总之,沉迷节食的人,可以被节食者的朋友和家人阻止,同样也需要开展过度节食所带来的危险的教育活动。
Students Should Live on Campus
Is it justifiable to impose a ban on renting off-campus apartments for university students? Or should the authorities leave the matter to students themselves to decide since they are already adults? Personally, I lend my support to the former.First, living on campus may be convenient owing to the proximity to the teaching buildings along with other facilities. It is obviously very handy to walk out of one's dorm and be in the classroom just five minutes later. The library and canteens are close by too. On the campus where I live the distance between dormitories and classrooms is quite far so a bicycle is a necessity. To have an extra distance to travel between home and campus is unthinkable.Second, it is by and large much safer than living off-campus. Students think nothing of staying in the library until late at night and then walking or cycling back to the dorm. Security guards patrol the campus night and day and also the dorm entrances. But think what could happen if you have to venture outside the campus and make your way home alone through darkened and deserted streets and then enter an unguarded building, Security is something we all take for granted on our campuses but this cannot be guaranteed off-campus. In conclusion, living on campus means that everything that you could possibly require is close at hand with the added benefit of feeling safe and secure within a gated community.
禁止学生租住校外公寓是合理的措施吗?或者当局应该把这件事留给学生自己决定?因为他们已经成年人了。 就我个人而言,我支持前者。首先,校园生活很方便,因为宿舍距离教学建筑和其他设施很近。从宿舍出门,走路五分钟就能到达教室,显然是很方便的。图书馆和食堂也在附近。校园中,我住的宿舍和教室之间的距离相当远,所以需要一辆自行车。 往返校园与住所之间很长的距离是很难想象的。其次,住在宿舍比住在校外更安全。学生可以毫无顾忌地在图书馆待到深夜,然后走路或者骑自行车回宿舍。保安日夜巡逻校园和宿舍的入口。如果你冒险住在校园外面,在漆黑冷清的街道上自己回家,住在没有安保措施的建筑物中。想想会发生什么呢?在我们的校园,安全被我们看作是理所当然的,但在校外就不能保证安全了。总之,校园生活意味着,你需要的一切基本上都很近,而且在封闭的社区中你会感到很安全。
Students Are Entitled to Experience True Love
Should universities discourage students from dating on the grounds that' it is a waste of time as well as energy? Or is it justified for students to venture into a romantic relationship from which they will learn valuable lessons absent from their textbooks? I personally advocate campus dating. Opponents may argue that university students should place study as their priority as dating in all likelihood may distract them from this objective. However, learning is not all about memorizing textbooks and passing exams. True love holds the key to happiness in life and students are entitled to experience it. Admittedly, a relationship may serve as a distraction in some cases? Yet, it can also yield beneficial results. Couples may encourage each other to achieve academic excellence and support each other in times of crisis. Furthermore, it is tantamount to cruelty to hinder the pursuit of true love. The decision as to whether or not to start a relationship should be an entirely personal choice free from interference. In the final analysis, I believe that students can learn so much from a relationship, such as tolerance, care and compromise. All of these will serve well for their future success both in career and in life.
In conclusion, campus love promotes happiness, and can be beneficial towards academic study and therefore should be a matter of personal choice.
Computer Games Are a Form of Escapism
Are computer games a boon in terms of helping students relax after a long day's work at school?Or are they detrimental to pupils' future development since students can become easily addicted to the virtual world? Personally, I am in sympathy with the latter.Admittedly, computer games furnish entertainment when students only spend a moderate amount of time on them. It might even be beneficial since pupils can combine study with pleasure and therefore achieve high efficiency. However, the hard truth is that droves of students end up being obsessed with computer games and view them as a way to escape from reality. As a result, academic study is inevitably neglected.And a vicious circle is created-the more frustrated students are about study, the more addicted they become to the virtual world. Furthermore, not only pupils' academic performance may suffer from playing computer games, the violence featured in such games may also exert an impact on impressionable teenagers. When the dividing line between the virtual and the real world is blurred, students may resort to violence in order to solve issues-as they do in games. Authoritative reports have confirmed that the increasing rate of violent incidents is ascribable toll the prevalent trend of playing computer games. In sum, the demerits of computer games far outweigh their few merits because of the tendency for students to neglect academic study and because some students may become more violent.
电脑游戏有利于帮助学生在学校忙碌很长时间之后,得到放松吗?还是因为学生很容易沉迷于网络虚拟世界,而不利于学生未来发展呢? 就我个人而言,我赞成后者。不可否认,如果学生只花适量的时间玩电脑游戏,那么电脑游戏确实是一种娱乐方式。它甚至可能对学生有益,因为学生可以将学习与娱乐相结合,从而实现高效率。然而,事实上,大批学生最终沉迷于电脑游戏,并将电脑游戏视为逃避现实的一种方式。 因此,学术研究肯定会被忽视。恶性循环就是,学生对学习越是感到灰心,就会越沉迷于虚拟世界。此外,不仅学生的成绩可能会因玩电脑游戏而下降,游戏中的暴力特征也会对处于敏感时期的青少年产生影响。当虚拟和现实世界之间的界限变得模糊时,学生可能会诉诸暴力,按照游戏中的方式来解决问题。权威报道证实, 由于玩电脑游戏的人日渐增多,暴力事件发生率也逐渐上升。总之,电脑游戏的缺点远远大于它们的一些优点,因为学生会逐渐忽视学术研究,而且有些学生可能会变得更加暴力。
More Rights for Women
Throughout history, women have always aimed for a recognised place in society. China is no exception. From the age of foot binding to modernization today, the role and rights of women have undergone a drastic transformation. In my opinion, women should be treated equally and given more rights. Firstly, women have equality in education, marriage, rights, and freedom by law. On founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the Communist Party of China declared that women shall enjoy equal rights with men in political, economic, cultural, educational and social life. Historically, women have always been considered as inferior creatures both intellectually and physically to men. There has always been a stereotype that "a woman's place is in the home. Expected to be caregivers, women generally have had fewer legal rights and career opportunities than men. Since it is written in law, women's rights and interests should be protected and gender equality should be guaranteed. Secondly, given the great contributions women are making to society, women's role should be given full play. In China, women account for more than 60 percent of the rural labour force and are a major force in farming activities, Furthermore, women's role in educating their children and supporting the whole family is also vital to maintain a well-balanced society. To conclude, though China may have taken great leaps forward in official statutes and public pronouncements concerning women, nonetheless, in practice, backed by centuries of history and tradition, the old ways die hard. Therefore, more efforts to promote women's equal rights need to be made.
纵观历史,妇女一直在社会中争取地位。中国也不例外。从缠足时代到现代化的今天,妇女的作用和权利已经大幅转变。在我看来,女人应该受到平等对待,应给予女性更多的权利。首先, 按照法律,女性应在教育、婚姻、权利和自由方面享受平等待遇。历史上,一直认为,在身体和智力方面,女性是比男性低等的生物。一直有一种陈词滥调,称女人就应该待在在家里。认为女性生来就应照顾别人,她们的法律权利和就业机会比男性少很多。现在的法律中写道,妇女权益应该受到保护,要保证男女平等。其次,考虑到女性对社会的伟大贡献,女性的作用应得到充分发挥。在中国, 60%以上的妇女都是农村劳动力,是农业活动的主要力量。此外,女性在教育孩子,与支持整个家庭的角色,对于保持社会均衡起着至关重要的作用。最后,尽管中国已经在关于女性的官方法规和公共声明方面进步很大,尽管如此,在实践中,在几个世纪以来的历史和传统基础上,依然是旧习难除。因此,需要更加努力来促进男女权利平等。
Idolizing Celebrities Goes Too Far
Celebrity worship has been identified as one of the most common forms of idolatry these days. However, many fans go too far with pursuing stars. Some have facial plastic surgery just to look a little more like the star they worship. Others even pay all their money to see the stars in person. I personally hold that blindly worshipping famous people should be deterred from becoming rampant.
Due to daily gossip columns in the tabloids and the ubiquitous celebrity news in the media, researchers report that about one third of people suffer from Celebrity Worship Syndrome, an actual syndrome that can become obsessional, replacing conventional relations, Some fans of famous people tend to indulge in daydreaming about stars they worship. Having less communication with their friends and families, some obsessed fans ignore conventional relations, leading to psychological problems or disorders.Blind worship undermines young people's spiritual pursuits in real art, literature, philosophy, and science, without which they can hardly hold the sacred torch of civilization transferred to them from preceding generations. It is no exaggeration to say that blind star-worship will probably lead young people whose discretion is not enough into abysmal darkness, and thus buried with them is the hope of the future.
In conclusion, given the above harmful effects of blind star-worship, every effort must be made to help fans to get out of the hopeless swamp of star-worship.
名人崇拜已被确认为最常见的一种崇拜形式,然而,许多粉丝太过沉迷于追星了。有些人做面部整形手术,只是为了看起来更像他们崇拜的明星。甚至有些人支付所有的钱亲自去看明星。我个人认为, 应该阻止盲目崇拜名人成为越来越猖獗的一种现象。
由于每天媒体报道中的八卦和无处不在的名人新闻,研究人员报告说,大约有三分之一的人患有明星崇拜综合症,这实际上是一种沉迷于追星,抛弃传统关系的一种症状。一些名人的粉丝,越来越沉溺于幻想他们崇拜的明星。 减少与朋友和家人的交流,有些痴迷的粉丝忽视了传统的关系,导致心理问题或障碍。盲目崇拜,削弱了年轻人在精神方面的追求,比如对于真正的艺术,文学,哲学,科学的追求,没有这种追求,他们很难保持前几代人传给他们神圣的文明火炬。毫不夸张地说,盲目崇拜明星很可能会导致那些没有主见的年轻人陷入无尽的黑暗之中。他们的将来也会因此被埋葬。
Teachers Should Put Students First
"Runner Fan", nickname of Fan Meizhong, who ran out of the classroom leaving his students behind during the May 12 earthquake, has caused a controversy concerning traditional Chinese values. Many people regard his action as wrong and a direct violation of teachers' responsibility and I would have to agree with them.
Firstly, it is the responsibility of a teacher to protect his students' safety by law. Being concerned solely for his own life and leaving his students behind while fleeing violates the spirit of the law.In an emergency, each teacher is responsible for the direct supervision of his students. Furthermore, it will be of great help if they can direct the evacuation of their students to designated assembly areas in accordance with warning signals and written notification. It is out of the question that they should not remain with their students until rescue crews arrive. Secondly, teachers act as a role model for their students. The Compulsory Education Law does stipulate that "a teacher should be a model of virtue for others and should be devoted to the education of the people." Teachers not only teach students how to think, but also how to behave to support others in society.Fleeing the classroom and leaving the students behind in an emergency sets a bad example for students.
To conclude, teachers are responsible for students' safety in an emergency. Teachers are expected to demonstrate responsible behaviour and they ought to be specifically trained to deal with emergency situations.
首先,法律上规定,老师有责任保护自己学生的安全。 只在乎自己的生命安全而抛下自己的学生不管,自己跑出教室,违背了法律精神。在紧急状况中,每位老师都有责任直接监督领导自己的学生。此外,如果老师能够按照警告信号和书面通知,指引自己的学生疏散到指定区域,那会起到重要作用。毫无疑问,他们应当在救援人员到来之前,一直陪在学生身边。其次,老师的行为是学生的榜样。义务教育法规定,教师应当是其他人在道德情操方面的榜样,应该致力于教育他人。 老师不仅要教会学生如何思考,而且要教学生如何在社会中帮助支持他人。在紧急情况下,跑出教室,抛下自己的学生于不顾,为学生树立了不良范例。
Learning from Mistakes
We all make mistakes which are inevitable.What is worse is failure to correct own mistakes. While making mistakes is good, repeating mistakes is definitely not. Apart from correcting your own mistakes, we should learn from the mistakes. You can only learn from a mistake after you admit you have made one.
As soon as you start blaming other people, you distance yourself from any possible lesson that could be learned from it.But if you courageously stand up and honestly say "This is my mistake and I am responsible", the possibilities for learning will move towards you.Admission of a mistake, even if only privately to yourself, makes learning possible by moving the focus away from blaming yourself and towards understanding. Wise people admit their mistakes easily. They know progress accelerates when they do.
On the other hand, for many reasons admitting mistakes is difficult.This is why some people consider that they can learn nothing from mistakes, We are taught in school, in our families, or at work to feel guilty about failure and to do whatever we can to avoid mistakes. This sense of shame combined with the inevitability of setbacks when attempting difficult things explains why many people give up on their goals: they are not prepared for the mistakes and failures they will face on their way to what they want.
In conclusion, we can and should learn good lessons from past mistakes in order to be more successful in our private and public lives.
每个人都会犯错误。更糟糕的是,我们不能改正到自己的错误。尽管犯错误可能是好事,总是犯同样的错误绝不是什么好事。除了改正我们自己的错误,我们应当从错误中吸取教训。 只有在承认自己所犯的错误之后,你才能从错误中吸取教训。
一旦你开始责怪其他人,你就失去了从错误中吸取教训的机会。 但是如果你有勇气站出来诚实地说,'这是我的错,我应当负责',你就有可能从错误中积累经验。承认错误,即使只是自己在私下承认错误,也会让你逐渐懂得自我反省,能够从错误中领悟知识,吸取教训。聪明的人很容易承认他们的错误。他们知道承认错误会帮助自己进步。 另一方面,出于种种原因,承认错误是困难的。这就是一些人认为他们在错误中学不到任何东西的原因。我们在学校、家庭和工作中懂得了失败的愧疚感,于是就会尽力避免犯错。在我们尝试困难的事情的时候,愧疚感以及无法避免的挫折,足以解释许多人放弃目标的原因。他们没有准备好面对成功之路上的错误和失败。
Respecting the Elderly Is a Traditional Chinese Virtue
The elderly have accumulated a lifetime's worth of experience, however, many young people often regard them as irrelevant, embarrassing, and out of touch. As far as I am concerned, the traditional Chinese virtue to respect the old people needs to be emphasized.
Firstly, the elderly deserve the respect due to their effort in bringing up their children and their contribution to society. We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now was created by the aged people in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes, "One generation plants trees under whose shade another generation rests," Secondly, family is one of the best places for learning values, so every family should inspire younger members to respect the older ones. It is important, therefore, to set an example at home by taking good care of the elderly members, so that children learn to adopt this same practice. Families should make a point of including and involving the older members in the family activities and decisions. In this way, families will exemplify the right values, and young members will learn first-hand on how to respect the elderly, Perhaps the most important test of a society is the way individuals behave towards one another. And specifically, how that society treats its elderly men and women. If young people do not respect the elderly, the whole society will be a mess without respect.
Therefore, the elderly should be respected by all of us.
Both Economic Development and Environmental Protection Are Indispensable
I am not supportive of the idea that either takes priority. It is necessary and absolutely possible that economic development and environmental protection co-exist, in the sense that both of them are indispensable factors for the prosperity of society.
Economic development is seemingly more important, due to the fact that it creates enormous job opportunities, improves living conditions and increases government revenues. Yet, the above goals can only really be reached on condition that the environment is well protected. And, interestingly, it is the economic development per se that provides the money and personnel resources required for the protection of the environment. A well-preserved environment is the groundwork for the economy and in a way promotes economic growth. A fast-developing and well-functioning economy calls for a good environment, which offers essential resources, e.g. wood, coal, water, etc. for production. Once the environment deteriorates, the production process is likely to be disturbed or even halted.What is worse, natural disasters that come with the worsening environmental conditions might even paralyses the whole economy impose a severe threat to human life. The pursuit of short-term economic profit is the destruction of our home and that of our posterity. So, economic development and environmental protection are equally important.
In this sense, we are actually working on an environment-friendly economy. Given the status quod, it is possible to realize the co-existence of the two as long as we are conscious and determined enough.
我不同意将其中一个作为优先选择的观点。经济发展和环境保护理所应当做到兼顾, 因为两者都是社会繁荣的重要因素。
经济发展似乎更加重要,因为经济发展提供了很多就业机会,提高了人们的生活水平,提高了政府的收入。然而,上述的目标实际上只能在环境得到良好保护的前提之下达到。而且,令人感到有趣的是,经济发展为环境保护提供了所需的资金和人力。得到良好保护的环境是经济发展的基础,而且在某种程度上也促进了经济的发展。经济发展又好又快,需要良好的环境,环境也为生产提供了必要的资源,例如木材,煤矿,水资源等。 一旦环境恶化,生产过程很可能会受到阻碍,甚至停产。更糟糕的是,由于环境恶化造成的自然灾害,甚至会使整个经济瘫痪,威胁人类生命。追求短期的经济效益,会对我们的家庭和后代造成严重伤害。因此,经济发展和环境保护同等重要。
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