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日期:2024-02-22 10:21 点击:

1. I don’t know if it ___   tomorrow ,if it ___ , we won’t go on a picnic. 
A. rains; rains 
B. will rain; rains 
C. will rain; will rain 
2. We can’t go to the zoo ___ the weather is fine tomorrow. 
A. unless       
B. if        
C. because 
3. Just work hard, ____ your dream will come true. 
A. but           
B. and         
C. or 
4. Don’t cross the street ____ the traffic lights are green. 
A. after          
B. until        
C. when 
5. ____ they may not succeed, they will try their best. 
A. Though      
B. Because       
C. Unless 
6. We will have no water to dink      we don’t protect the earth.
A. until      
B. before    
C.  if 
7. Luckily, all the students got out of the teaching building ___ if fell down. 
A. until    
B. before     
C. after        
8. My grandma didn’t go sleep ___ I got back home. 
A. where    
B. until      
C. as soon as 
9.  Uncle Wang gave all his savings to the Hope School ______he himself was not rich.
A. because                 
B. as if                   
C. though      
10.You’ll do better ___you are more careful with your spelling. 
A .if    
B. before     
C. although     
11.The sports meeting will continue___ it rains this afternoon. 
A. if    
B. since     
C. unless 
12.I’ll give her the message___she comes back. 
A. till   
B. before     
C. as soon as 
13.Jim is going to be a doctor when he _______ .           
A. will grow up          
B. grows up                
C. grow up     
14.—Did you catch what the teacher said? —No. She spoke so fast    I couldn’t hear her very clearly. 
A .which    
B. that    
C. when     
15.The teacher speaks very loudly ___ all the students can hear her. 
A. so that    
B. because    
C. since  
16. Study hard, _______ you will catch up with your classmates. 
A. and    
B. or    
C. but 
17. Several days has passed _________ the terrible earthquake happened in Japan. 
A. after     
B. since    
C. as 
18. It’s raining outside. Don’t leave _______ it stops. 
A. When  
B. since 
C. until
19. _________ it’s difficult to make her dream come true, but she never gives up. 
A. Though   
B. /    
C. Because 
20. ____ you go to the party, you will have a good time.    
A. If            
B. Though          
C. Because 
21.--- Is WuDong at school today ?   
---- No, he is at home____ he has a bad cold.    
A. When        
B. Though          
C. Because 
22.There are___many books on math in the bookshop that he can’t decide which to choose.      
A. so     
B. too     
C. such      
23.He got up early___he could get to school on time 
A. even though     
B. as if    
C. so that      
24.She is___short ___she can’t reach the buttons of the lift 
A .so, that    
B. such, that     
C. too, to   
25.---Mum, what did the doctor say ?    
--- He asked me to live ____ the air is fresher.    
A. where         
B. when      
C. because 
26.The piano in the other shop will be ____ ,but____.    
A. cheaper ; not as better     
B. more cheap; not asbetter    
C. cheaper ;  not as good  
27.All of us haven’t seen Mike      he left our city. 
A. when    
B. until    
C. since 
28. ___they are poor, yet they are very honest. 
A. Because     
B. Although    
C. When     
29. ---What was the party like? 
---Wonderful. It’s years __________I enjoyed myself so much. 
A. after         
B. before     
C. since 
30. Why do you want a new job __________you got such a good one already? A. that          
B. where     
C. when  
31. You will be late ______________you leave immediately. 
A. unless        
B. until        
C. if            
32. We won’t give up ______________we may fail ten times.  
A. even if         
B. since             
C. whether         
33. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she _________. 
A. will arrive      
B. arrives            
C. is arriving          
34. The volleyball match will be put off if it _______________. 
A. will rain           
B. rains            
C. rained              
35. It rained___ heavily that they didn’t come. 
A. as           
B. too        
C. so             
36. I often visited Tian’an Men Square ____________I was staying in Beijing. 
A. until         
B. during          
C. while                
37. He always thinks I’m wrong, _____________I may say. 
A. no matter whatever          
B. whatever          
C. what               
38. __________the rain has stopped, let’s continue to work. 
A. Because     
B. If           
C. That            
39. They waited __________it was dark  
A. until        
B  for       
C.  because 
40. You will catch a cold _____________put on more clothes. 
A. if you don’t         
B. if you will not          
C. until you 
41. We had hardly got to the station __________it began no rain. 
A. until           
B. since         
C. when 
42. They were surprised that a child should work out the problem __they themselves couldn’t. 
A. once           
B. then           
C. while              
43. My name is Robert, ___________most of my friends call me Bob for short. 
A. then        
B. instead          
C. however      
44. Hurry up, _______ you will be late. 
A. and    
B. or    
C. but 
45. Several days has passed _________ the terrible earthquake happened in Japan. 
A .after    
B. since    
C. as 
46. _________ he is young, he knows a lot. 
A. Though   
B. /     
C. Because 
47. My friends always go shopping when _____.       
A. it is sunny        
B. it will be sunny        
C. it is raining 
48. We are not sure if the bus _____ on time. If it _____ on time , we will take a taxi.        
A. comes; doesn’t come    
B. will come; won’t come   
C. will come; doesn’t come 
49. Lucy came to the library early _____ she borrowed her favorite book.    
A. since        
B. for        
C. so that 
50. We couldn’t get to school on time ____ it was raining heavily. 
A. because of      
B. because              
C. though 





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标签:新概念英语    中考英语辅导    高考英语辅导    




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