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日期:2023-07-05 13:01 点击:





labour force  劳动力

land on its legs  用脚着地

land on  降落

Lantern Festival  元宵节(灯笼节)

laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人

laugh sb. off one's fears  使某人发笑来减轻恐惧

lay the person on his/her back  把一个人仰卧/平放在某处

lead a simple life  朴素地生活

lead to  引起、导致、带来

leave for sp.  到某地

leave sb. alone  把……留下

leave sb. doing  使某人一直处于某种动作状态

leave sth. to chance  ……靠运气、……听天由命

leave sth. to sb./sth.  把……留给……

leave the hotel by (the nearest exit)  从(最近的出口)离开宾馆

let in  让……进来

let sb. down  让……失望

lie around  闲置、到处都是

lie in  ①位于(内部)  ②在于、源于

lie on  ①与……接壤  ②(城市)位于(河、湖、海边)

lie on one's back  仰卧着

lie still  一直躺着

lie to  与……接壤或接近

light up  放光芒、放光彩

like doing  喜爱做(指经常发生)

like to do  愿意做(特指某一次)

line up to  满足……的要求

listen for  等着听(钟声、节目等)

live a simple life  朴素地生活

live in separate rooms  住在两个分离的房间里

live on sth.  以……为生

load with  承载、负担

long before  很久以前(常用于一般过去时、过去完成时)

look by  旁观

look down upon  轻视、鄙视、看不起

look ahead  向前看

look for  寻找

look forward(s) to doing/sth.  期待

look into  往里看,调查研究

look on sb./sth. as  把……当作

Look out.  小心。

look over  ①检查②视察

look sb./sth. up and down 仔细打量……

look through 浏览

lose heart  失去信心

lose one's life/lives  丧命

lose one's sight  失明

lose one's temper  发脾气

lose one's way  迷路

lose touch with  与……失去联系

lose weight  减少体重




make (good) use of  (充分地/很好地)利用

make a (phone) call 打电话

make a choice  作出选择

make a decision  下决心

make a fire  生火

make a fool of oneself  出丑、丢脸

make a fresh start  作出一个新的开始

make fun of sb.  对某人开玩笑

make a good effort  作出很大的努力

make a hit  受……欢迎

make a part in  在……起作用

make a plan for 为……制订计划

make a promise  许下诺言

make a search for  寻找

make a trip  (因公)旅行

make an effort to do  努力去做

make arrangements 做安排

make contributions to sth./doing  为……做出贡献

make ends meet oneself  维持生计

make for  朝……冲去

make no answer  不回答

make noise  发出噪音

make one's living (by doing)  (以……)谋生

make one's way  开辟道路

make out  辨认出

make progress  取得进步

make room for sb.  给某人留个地方

make sb./sth. do/done/adj./n.  使……、让……(如名词做宾补,则仅指职位)

make sense of sth.  使……有意义、讲得通

make sth. into sth.  把……变成……

make sth. out of sth.  用……做……

make sth. to one's own measure  按某人身材做(衣服等)

make sth./sp. the base for sth.  把……作为……的基地

Make sure(certain) that…  确信……(祈使句)

make up  ①编造  ②和好  ③凑足(钱)、使……完整 ④构成、组成  ⑤打扮

make up one's mind (to do)  下决心(去做)

make use of sth.  使用、利用……去做某事

manage to do  设法做成……

man-made project/satellite  人造工程/卫星

many a  许多(接可数名词单数,谓语动词用单数)

many happy returns of the day  每天都快乐

marry A to B  把A嫁(娶)给B

may/might have done  可能做完了(某事)

mean doing  意味着……

mean that  意味着……(接从句)

mean to do  打算……

meet one's needs/demands/requirements  满足某人的需求

meet the demands/needs/requirements of sb. 满足某人的需求

meet the standard of  满足……的要求

meet with  ①碰见、偶然遇见  ②符合、迎合、契合

mention sth. to sb.  向某人提起……

mention to sb. sth.  向某人提起……

middle ages  中世纪

mix A with B  用B与A混合

mix sb. up sth.  把某人卷入某事中

more than one  不只一个(接可数名词单数,谓语动词用单数)

move around  绕着……来回转

much more interesting  更有趣

much less expensive  更便宜

much too  太(接形容词)

must have done  一定做完了(某事)

must/might be doing  一定在……(对正在发生的情况推测)

must/might have been doing  一定是一直在…… (对发生在过去,现在仍在进行的情况进行推测)




name out  说出

name plate  标牌、胸卡

named after  以……命名

natural gift  天赋

need doing/to be done  需要(被)……

need have done  本来需要做的(却没做)

need sb. to do  需要某人去做……

needn't have done  本来不需要做的(却做了)

neither A nor B  既不是A也不是B(谓语动词就近一致)

next to  紧挨着、靠近

no better than  与……一样差

no later than  不迟于

no longer  不再(表动作或状态)

no matter how = however  不管、不论(引导让步状语从句)

no matter what = whatever  不管什么(引导让步状语从句)

no matter when = whenever  不管什么时候(引导让步状语从句)

no matter where = wherever  不管在哪里(引导让步状语从句)

no matter who = whoever  不管谁(引导让步状语从句)

no more than  ①两者都不……  ②只有、仅

no more  不再(表次数)

No sooner…than…  一……就…… (部分倒装句式,前句倒装后句不倒装)

no wonder  怪不得、难怪

Nobody but A…  除了A以外没有人(谓语动词与nobody一致,用单数)

nod to  向……点头

not a bit  一点也不

Not A but B…  不是A而是B……(谓语动词与B一致)

not a little  很、非常

not all  不都

not any longer  不再(表动作或状态)

not any more  不再(表次数)

not both  不都

Not only A but (also) B…  不但A,而且B……(谓语动词与B一致)

Not only…, but also…  不仅 …… ,而且……(部分倒装句式,前句倒装后句不倒装)

Not until…did…  直到……才…… (部分倒装句式,前句不倒装后句倒装)

not…at all  一点也不

not…in the least  一点也不

not…other than  没有……,除了……

nothing but/except  除了……没有别的

notice sb./sth. do  注意到……做过……

notice sb./sth. doing  注意到……正在……

notice sb./sth. done  注意到……被……

now and then  有时;不时地

now that  既然(引导原因状语从句)




obey the rules  遵守规则

object to sth./doing  反对、不赞成

of one's own 属于某人自己的

of oneself  自动地……

of+no/great+interest/help/value/use/important/…+to sb.  ……对某人(没)有……

offer (sb.) money for sth.  出价、买

offer (sth.) for money  要价、卖

offer sb. sth.  提供……给某人

offer sth. to sb.  提供……给某人

offer to do  提出要做……

Olympic Games  奥林匹克运动会

on (the) television  从电视上

on arrival  一到那里

on average  平均

on condition that  以……为条件

On doing……,……  一……就……(后接从句)

on earth  ①在地球上  ②究竟

on one's arrival  在某人抵达的路上

on one's feet  走路

on one's own  自己、靠自己

on one's way to sp.  在某人去……的路上

on purpose  故意地、特意地

on sale  正在出售

on the (west) coast of some country  在某国(西)海岸

on the contrary  相反

on the earth  在地球上

on the edge of  在……的边缘

on the left  在左边

on the other side  在另一边

on the radio  从收音机里

on the right 在右边

on the sands  在沙滩上

on the two sides  在两边

on the whole  整体上

on time  准时、按时

once a while  有时、偶尔

once again  再次、又一次

once in a while  偶尔、有时

once more  再次、又一次

once upon a time  很久以前

one after another  一个接一个地

one and a half years 一年半

one another  互相、彼此

one day  某一天

one person in ten  十个人中有一个

one person out of ten  十个人中有一个

one such+n.  这样一个……(名词用单数)

one's attitude to/towards sth.  某人对……的态度

one-sided view  片面的看法

only to find  结果却发现......

only/but/all too pleased/happy/thankful to do 做……太高兴/感谢了

operate on sb.  给某人做手术

operate on sp.  在某位置动手术

opposite direction  相反方向

or rather  或者说、更进一步说

order (that) sb. (should) do  命令某人应该做某事(虚拟语气)

ought not to have done  不应该做(却做了)

ought to have done  应该做(却没做)

out of breath  上气不接下气地

out of one's reach  够不着

out of order  坏了、无秩序、乱放

out of the reach of sb.  某人够不到

over and over again  一次又一次、再三

over the radio  从收音机里

over the years  这几年里

owe one's success to sb.  把某人的成功归功于别人

owe one's thanks to sb.  感谢某人

owe sb. sth.  欠某人某物

owe sth. to sb.  把……归于……




pass away  去世

pass down  继承、传下去

pass on a message to sb.  给(收信人)留/传个信

pass on  传递

pass the exam  考试及格

pay (special/little/much) attention to sth./ doing  对……(特别/不/很)注意

pay a visit to sp.  游览、参观某地

pay back the money  还钱

pay money for sth.  付……的钱

pay off the money/debt  还清钱/债务

pay one's way  付……的路费

permit doing/sb. to do  允许(某人)做某事

persist in  坚持(行动等)、固执己见

personal affairs  私事

persuade sb. (not) to do  说服某人(不)去做

persuade sb. into doing  说服某人去做

persuade sb. out of doing 说服某人不去做

pick on  挑选;挑剔

pick out  挑选;选出

pick up  ①捡起  ②接收(广播等)  ③接某人  ④学会  ⑤购买

plan a bicycle trip 计划一次自行车旅行

plan to do  计划做……

play a joke with sb.  对某人开玩笑

play a part in  在……起作用

play a trick on sb.  捉弄某人

play against sb.  与……比赛

play on words  语言游戏

play the part of sb.  演……的角色

plenty of  大量(接可数、不可数名词)

pocket money  零用钱、零花钱

point at  指……(人)(有不礼貌的含义)

point of view  观点

point out  指出

point to  指向……

pour in  使流入;蜂拥而入

power failure  停电

practise sth./doing  练习……

prefer doing… to doing…  比起做(后者)宁愿做(前者)

prefer sb. to do…  想让某人去做……

prefer sth. to sth.  和后者比更喜欢前者

prefer to do…  更愿意……

prefer to do…rather than do…  比起……更愿意……

prepare oneself for  为……作准备(接抽象事物)

pretend to be doing  假装正在做……

pretend to do  假装……

prevent sb./sth. from doing  阻止……做某事

promise (sb.) to do  承诺做某事

promise sb. sth.  把……借给某人

promise sth. to sb.  把……借给某人

propose (that) sb. (should) do  建议某人应该做某事(虚拟语气)

protect sb./sth. from being done/sth.  保护……免于

prove sb. to be  证实某人……

provide sb. with sth.  为某人提供……

provide sth. to sb.  为某人提供……

pull on  匆忙穿上

purified water  纯净水

push over  推倒

put a question  提出问题

put a stop to sth.  停止、结束……

put a tax on sth.  设……税

put aside  放一边、置之不理

put away  ①收拾、整理  ②打消……(念头)

put down  ①写下、记下  ②镇压

put forward  提出

put off  ①推迟  ②去除

put on airs  忘乎所以、飘飘然

put on performances 演出

put on weight 增加体重

put on  穿、戴

put one's heart into  用心于……、专心于……

put out the fire  扑灭火

put sb. in/into prison  把某人关进监狱

put sb. through to sb.  将电话接到……

put sb. to death  打死……

put sb. to the trouble of doing  麻烦某人做某事

put sth. into/in practice  投入(运用于)实践

put through  使……通过、完成

put up  ①搭建、  建立  ②张贴  ③提供食宿

put up with  忍受




quantities of  大量(接可数、不可数名词,谓语动词用复数)

quite a few  许多

quite a lot of  许多




rain drop  雨滴

raise a cheer 发出欢呼

raise a question  提出问题

range from sth. to sth.  包括从……到……

reach an agreement  达成共识

read between the lines  体会字里行间的意思

read for sb.  给某人读

read one's thoughts  读懂某人(的心思)

read sb. sth.  给某人读……

read sth. to sb.  给某人读……

read through 浏览、看完

read well  读得好

receive (his doctor's) degree  获得(博士)学位

reduce sb./sth. to sth./doing  使……沦落为、降格为

refer to  ①指的是  ②指到、说到、提及、谈到

refer to sth. as  把……看作

regard sb./sth. as  当作、认为

regret doing  悔恨做过……

regret to do  遗憾去……

rely on sb.  依赖某人

remain in business  继续营业

remain in poor health  身体不好

remember doing  想起来做过

remember sb. to sb.  让某人记住某人

remember to do  想起来该做

remind sb. of sth./sb.  让某人想起……、提醒某人……

remind sb. that  提醒某人……

reply that…  回答说

reply to  答复

report sth. to sb.  向某人汇报……

report to sb. sth.  向某人汇报……

request (that) sb. (should) do  要求某人应该做某事(虚拟语气)

require (that) sb. (should) do  要求某人应该做某事(虚拟语气)

require doing/to be done  要求(被)……

require to do sth.  请求……

rest room  厕所

result from  由于

result in  导致

return sth. to sb.  把……归还……

return to normal  复原

return to sp.  回到……

right away  马上、立刻

right now  马上、立刻

ring back  回电话

ring off  挂断(电话)

rob sb. of sth.  抢某人的……

rot away  腐烂

round the clock  昼夜地

run about  到处跑

run around  到处跑

run at a speed of sth.  以……的速度前进

run at top speed  全速前进

run in  追捕

run off  跑开、跑掉

run out of sth.  ……用光了

run out  用尽

run short  短缺

rush hour  交通拥挤时间




safe and sound  安然无恙

satisfy one's needs/demands/requirements  满足某人的需求

save sth. for 节约、节省

say hello to sb.  向某人问好

say to oneself  心里想

sb. be determined to do  下决心去……

sb. be encouraged to do sth. 某人被鼓励……

sb. be familiar with sth.  某人对……熟悉

sb. be forced to do  某人被强迫……

sb. be likely to do  很可能……

sb. be married to sb.  与……结婚

sb. be not oneself  某人状态不好

sb. be pleased to do…/at doing…  很高兴……

sb. be pleased with sth.  对……感到高兴、满意

sb. be said to do  某人将要……

sb. be supplied with sth.  某人被提供……

sb. be supposed to do 某人应该去做

sb. be supposed to have done  某人本来应该做(却没做)

sb. be sure/certain of(about) sth./doing  某人对做某事有把握

sb. be sure/certain to do  某人一定会做……

sb. be thought of/as  ……被当作

sb. be used to doing/sth.  习惯于……、适应……

sb. be wanted on the phone  打电话给某人

sb. do so/such…as to do  某人做……是为了……

sb. end sth. with sth.  某人以……结束……

sb. find sth. (hard) to do  某人发现(很难)做某事

sb. get used to doing/sth.  习惯于……、适应

sb. happen to do  某人恰好做某事

sb. have been married for (3 years)  ……已经结婚(3 年)了

sb. have no doubt that…  某人对……不容怀疑

sb. have sth. for breakfast/lunch/supper  早/午/晚饭吃……

sb. knock oneself against sth.  某人撞到……上

sb. need sth. done  某人需要某事物被做

sb. seems to do/to have done  某人好像做(完)某事

sb. used to do  过去常常

sb. wonder if/whether…  某人想知道是否……

sb. would prefer to do…  宁愿去做

Scarcely…when…  还没……就…… (部分倒装句式,前句倒装后句不倒装)

scores of (people)  许多(人)

search for sb./sth.  寻找……

search sp. for sb./sth.  在……寻找……

seat oneself  坐在……

see about  考虑

see around  四处看、环顾

see New Year in  等待新年到来(单用)

see off  送行

see out  把……送出去

see over  检查

see sb. seated there  看见某人坐在那儿

see sb. sitting there  看见某人坐在那儿

see sb./sth. do/doing/done  看见某人做……

see to  负责、照料

seek for  寻找

seek the sun  赶潮流

seem to be+n./adj.  好像……

seem to do…  好像……

self-trust  自信

sell well  卖得好

send away  ①派遣  ②开除、解雇

send back  退还

send for  ①派人去请  ②邮购(不可分)  ③送某人

send in  请进、领进

send off  ①送行  ②寄出 ③派往

send one's love/wishes/regards  给某人的……

send out  ①派出  ②发出(气味、光线、声音等)  ③寄出(邀请、通知等)  ④发芽

send round/around  传递、传阅

send up  使……上升;发射

sentence sb. to death  判某人死刑(常用被动)

separate A from B  将A和B分开

set a good example to sb.  给某人树立了好榜样

set about doing 开始去做

set aside  放一边、置之不理

set fire to sth.  给……放火

set off for sp. 出发到某地

set out for sp.  出发去某地

set out to do  开始去做

set phrases  固定短语

set sb. free  把……释放

set up a record  创立纪录

set up for sp.  到某地

set up  建立组织(团体、机构等)

settle down  定居、安居

settle oneself  使某人自己稳定下来

settle the problem  解决问题

shake hands with sb.  与……握手

share sth. with sb.  与某人共享

shift round the clock  倒班、轮换值班

shock the whole world  震惊全世界

shoot at  朝……射击,瞄准

should have done  应该做(却没做)

shouldn't have done  不应该做(却做了)

shout at sb.  向某人喊(有不礼貌的含义)

shout to sb.  向某人喊

show (sb.) around  带某人参观

show (sb.) in  带进、领进

show (sb.) out  带出、领出

show off  夸耀、显示

show one's respect to sb. 向某人表达敬意、尊敬某人

since then  从此以后(用现在完成时)

sing high praise for  高度评价

slip out  悄悄地溜出去

smooth away  摆脱、去除

so as to do  为了……

So far as I know/see,…  据我所知,……

so far  至今为止

so few mistakes  这么少的错误

So it is/was with sb..  ……也是这样。

So long.  (口语)再见。

so that  以便(接从句)

so…that…  太……以致……(接从句)

solve the problem  解决问题

some day  某一天

some one  某个人/物

some time  一段时间

some times  几次

someone else's (book)  别人的(书)

something as follows  以下东西

sooner or later  迟早

speak highly of sb. 高度评价某人、夸耀某人

speak in a high/low voice  大(小)声说话

speak into the telephone 通电话

speed up  加速

spend time in doing  在做……上花费时间(doing为现在分词)

spend time on sth./doing 在……上花费时间(doing为动名词)

spit out  吐出

stand for  代表、表示

stand still 一直站着

stare at  盯着

start a fire  生火

start doing  开始(继续)做(刚做过的事)

start for sp.  到某地

start to do  开始做(另一件事)

stay silent  保持沉默

stay still  一直呆着

stay up  挺立;熬夜

step by step 一步一步地

step into  走到……(内部)

step onto  走到……(表面)

sth. be being built  ……正在建设

sth. be beyond question 毫无疑问

sth. be considered (to be)  ……被看作/认为

sth. be familiar to sb.  某人对……熟悉

sth. be in question  ……在考虑范围之内

sth. be on sale  ……正被出售

sth. be out of question  毫无疑问

sth. be out of the question  不可能的、不合情理的

sth. be supplied to sb.  某物被提供给……

sth. be taken for  ①被当作、被看作  ②误认为……

sth. be to the taste  适合……的口味、品味

sth. be used as  ……被当作

sth. be used for  ……被用作

sth. be used to do  ……被用来做

sth. closed with sth.  以……结束……

sth. cost sb. some money  ……花某人多少钱

sth. determine sb. to do  ……使某人下决心做某事

sth. do/does/did not help  ……不起作用  

sth. had not done…when  某事还没做这时……

sth. happen to sb.  某人遇到某事

sth. last sb. some time  维持多长时间

sth. stand on end  直立、挺立

stick in  陷进……、困入……

stick to  坚持(信念、观点、原则、决定、计划、诺言);粘上

stop doing  停止做某事

stop sb./sth. (from) doing  阻止……做某事

store up  贮藏、储藏

strictly speaking  严格地说

strike a match  划一根火柴

struggle against  与……作斗争、与……交战

struggle for sth.  为了……而斗争

struggle to one's feet  挣扎着站起来

struggle with  与……作斗争、与……交战

succeed in doing sth.  做……成功

such as  就像、比如

suffer from  遭受

suggest (that) sb. (should) do  建议某人应该做某事(虚拟语气)

suggest doing…/sth.  建议(做)……

suggest sth. to sb.  建议某人做某事

suggest that…  表明、暗示

suggest to sb. sth.  建议某人做某事

suit his act to the needs of the (students)  使他的行为符合对(学生)的要求

supply sb. with sth.  将……供应给……

supply sth. to sb.  将……供应给……

suppose sb. to be  猜想某人会……

suppose sb. to do  猜想某人会做……

suppose that…  猜想……

swim to sp.  向……游

switch off  切断(电源开关等)




take (an active) part in  (积极地)参加

take a boat from across the (lake)  从(湖)的对面搭一艘船

take a deep breath  深呼吸

take a message for sb.  为(发信人)留个信

take a message to sb.  给(收信人)留/传个信

take a rest  休息

take a seat  坐下

take a taxi  找出租车、打的

take a trip  (因私)旅行

take after  ①长得像  ②追赶(美国英语)

take along  携带

take another two pills  再吃两粒药

take around  带人参观

take aside  把人带到一边

take away  拿走

take back  ①拿回  ②退缩

take care  小心

take control of  控制

take down  ①写下、记下 ②拿下

take from  从……取得

take in  ①欺骗  ②收留 ③吸入、拿进来

take it easy  别紧张、放松

take it for granted that…  认为……是理所当然的

take measures  采取措施

take no notice of  没有注意

take notes  做记录

take notice that  考虑......、对……注意

take off  ①起飞  ②脱下  ③离开

take office  就职

take on  ①呈现、显现  ②雇佣  ③承担(工作)

take one's attention  吸引某人注意

take one's exam  某人考试

take one's leave  告辞,离开

take one's time 不着急、慢慢来

take out (of sp.)  (从……)拿出

take over  ①继承  ②接管

take photographs of sb./sth.  给……拍照片

take pity/mercy on sb./sth.  怜悯(可怜)……

take place  发生

take pride in  以……自豪

take sb. up to sp.  带某人去某地

take sb./sth. seriously  认真对待……

take sides in  参加、参与

take sides with  站在……一边

take sth. as  把……看作

take sth. for  ①当作、看作  ②误认为……

take sth. for granted  认为……是理所当然的

take sth./sb. for  ①把……当作(看作)  ②误认为……是

take sth./sb./doing for example  把……做例

take the place of  取代、代替

take this street/road  走这条街(路)

take to  ①喜爱  ②养成(某种恶习)

take turns at doing  轮流做……

take turns to do sth.  轮流做……

take two more pills  再吃两粒药

take up  ①占据(时间、空间)  ②拿起  ③跟着别人说  ④从事

talk of  谈到

talk to oneself  自己对自己说

talking of  谈起、谈到

tear oneself away from  爱不释手

tell lies/a lie  说谎

tell the difference between A and B  区分A和B的不同

tend to do  倾向

tens of thousands of  成千上万的(加可数名词复数)

than before 比以前

than usual  比平时

thanks for  多亏了

thanks to  幸亏、由于

That is (to say),…  也就是说,……

the answer/key to the question 问题的答案

the attitude to/towards sth.  对……的态度

the ban on sth./doing  ……的禁令

the cost of living  生活的花费

the damage to  对……的毁坏

the entrance to sp.  ……的入口

the first time  第一次(引导时间状语从句)

the first+n.+to do  第一次做

the key to doing  解决……的关键

the key to the door  门钥匙

the last sentence but one  倒数第二句

the level of the sea  海平面

the lines of the play  戏剧的台词

the majority  大多数的……(接可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数)

the majority  大多数(谓语动词单复数视情况而定)

the minute  这一分钟(引导时间状语从句)

the moment  这一刻(引导时间状语从句)

the more…, the more…  越 …… ,越……(more指形容词比较级)

the number of the  ……的数量(接可数名词复数;谓语动词用单数)

the other day  (不久前)有一天

the other  另一个(有范围)

the others  其余全部(有范围)

the reason for sth.  ……的原因

The reason why…is that…  之所以……是因为……

the rest of  剩下的

the road to sp.  到……的路

the same as  与……一样

the second  这一秒(引导时间状语从句)

the students' union  学生会

the talk  话题

the two of sb.  两个人都……

the very thing  就是那个东西

the way to sp.  ……的路

There is no doubt that…  毫无疑问……/……是确定无疑的。

There is no need for sb. to do…  对某人没有必要……

There is no need to do…  没有必要……

There is no point in doing sth.  做……没有意义

There is no trouble in doing…  做……没有困难。

There seem(s) to be…  看起来……

There used to be…  过去曾经有……

There's no need for sb. to do…  对某人没有必要做某事

think about  考虑

think highly of  高度评价、夸耀

think of sb. as  把……当作

think of sth./sb./doing  ①想到  ②考虑

think over  仔细想

think sb./sth. (to be) +n./adj.  认为某人(物)……

think well of sb.  对……评价很高

through the street  穿街过巷

throughout the world  全世界

throw away 扔掉

throw up  呕吐

tie A to B  把A绑到B上

time and time again  一次又一次

time to do  是做……的时候了

to one's joy/delight  令……高兴的是……

to one's surprise  令……惊奇的是……

to oneself  对自己

to tell the truth  说句实话

to the joy/delight of sb.  令某人高兴的是

too many  太多(接可数名词复数)

too much  ①太多(接不可数名词)  ②太多的事(作主语)

track down  侦察、追察

trade in sth.  进行、从事……贸易

trade sth. for sth.  为了获得……而出卖……

trade sth. with sb.  与某人交易……

translate…into…  将(一种语言)翻译成(另一种语言)

treat sb./sth. as if/though  对待……好像……(有虚拟语气形式)

treat sth. as  把……看作

trust in  信仰(宗教等)

try doing  尝试去做

try one's best to do  尽某人最大的努力做……

try one's fortune  试运气

try to do  努力去做

turn a blind eye to 对……视而不见、熟视无睹

turn a deaf ear to  对……听而不闻、置若罔闻

turn against 背叛

turn away  转身

turn down  ①调小声  ②拒绝

turn for the worse  越来越坏了

turn into  变成

turn off  关闭

turn on  打开

turn out (to be)+adj./n.  结果是

turn out  出来

turn over  翻动、翻转

turn sth. into  把……变成

turn to sb. (for help)  向某人求助

turn to  把(注意力)转向……

turn up  ①调大声  ②出现

turn yellow/green/…  变黄(绿、……)

two shoe stores  两家鞋店

two women doctors  两个女医生




under control  受控制

under management  被管理

under one's direction  在某人的指导下

under the pressure  在压力之下

until recently 直到最近

upside down  颠倒地,混乱地(作状语)

use up  用尽

Used sb. to do sth.?  某人过去常常做……吗?

using ability  使用的能力




wait for sb. (to do)  等待某人(做……)

wake up  叫醒、唤醒

want doing/to be done  想要(被)……

want sb. to do  想让某人去做

warn sb. not/never to do  警告某人不要做……

warn sb. of sth.  向某人发出对……的警报

wash away  (水)冲走

wash out  冲洗干净

wash well  耐洗

Watch out.  小心。

water closet  厕所

wave hello/goodbye to sb.  与某人挥手问好/道别

wave sb. hello/goodbye  与某人挥手问好/道别

way of life  生活方式

wear out  ①穿坏了  ②消耗掉了、筋疲力尽

What a shame to do sth.!  做……多么令人感到可耻!

What did sb. use to do? 某人过去常常做什么?

What do you mean by the sentence?  你这句话什么意思?

What the hell is that! 什么鬼地方! 什么玩意儿!

What time is it by your watch?  你的表几点钟了?

What's going on?  正在发生什么事?

what's more. 更多的是;另外

What's the population of sp.?  ……人口是多少?

What's up?  发生了什么事?

when and where  何时何地(谓语动词用单数)

whether … or …  不管......还是......

Why don't you do…?  为什么不……?

Why not do…?  为什么不……?

win a majority  赢得大多数的(承认、同意、支持等)

wind one's way  蜿蜒前行、迂回前进

wind sth. around sth.  把……缠绕在……上

wind the clock/watch  上(钟表的)发条

wipe out  擦净、了解、彻底摧毁

wish for sth.  希望得到……

wish sb. n./adj.  希望某人……

wish sb. to do  希望某人做……

wish that  希望(虚拟语气)

wish to do  希望做……

with great care  小心翼翼

with this method  用这种方法

within reach 够得着

wonder at/about  对……感到惊讶、疑虑

wonder to do  惊奇地……、对……感到惊奇

wonder+(疑问词)+to do  想知道……

Word came that…  ……消息传来了。

work at sp.  在……工作

work on sth.  进行……工作

worry about  担心

worse still  更糟糕的是

would like sb. to do  想让某人去做

would prefer to do than do  与其做某事不如做某事

would rather sb. did…  更愿意让某人做……

would rather to do than do  与其做某事不如做某事

write articles for sth.  给……写文章

write articles on (many subjects)  写有关(许多学科)的文章

write down  写下、记下

write sth. for a newspaper 给报纸写文章




year after year  年复一年(不变)

year by year  逐年(有变化)

You'd better do sth.  你最好做……。

You've got to...  你非做......不可。









    三校生5月考班 三校生5月考全日制班 三校...








标签:高考全科辅导    高考英语辅导    高考英语补习    




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