要写出漂亮的英文句子,首先且至关重要的一点就是简洁。一般来说,只有在强调或修饰句子时,才能重复使用某个或某些意义相近的单词和短语,否则句子就会显得啰嗦、冗余,应当“删繁就简”。许多人将简洁与简短混为一谈,其实两者有天壤之别:简洁是指简明扼要,没有多余的内容;简短则是指文字篇幅短、字数少。所以在删繁就简的过程中,不能只是一味追求简短,只要某个英文单词确实能起到一定的作用,它就应该留在句中。试比较以下几组句子,体会修改前后的效果差异。 例句点评Wordy: Liu Bin is employed at a T.V. station working as a news reporter.Better: ① Liu Bin works at a T.V. station as a news reporter.② Liu Bin is a news reporter at a T.V. station.③ Liu Bin is a T.V. news reporter.评析原句中的is employed为被动语态,且与working as意义重复,可进行合并。一般情况下,主动语态表意更为直接和清晰,因此这里使用主动语态更好,具体修改见句①。如果调整语序,先表明“a news reporter”的身份,则可以省去动词work,使句 子进一步简化,详见句②。进一步看,“at a T.V. station (在电视台工作)”和“as a news reporter (做新闻记者)”在意思上还有重合的部分,可进一步“删繁就简”,合并为“a T.V. news reporter”,详见句③。 Wordy: Sun Hong is determined in her mind to lose weight.Better: Sun Hong is determined to lose weight.评析原句中的determine一词本身已经有“下定决心”的意思,不需要再加in hermind。类似的还有postpone our meeting until later,postpone一词本身就有“延后”的意思,不需要再加until later。还有在句子“My car is a foreign import, not home-made.”中, import一词表示“进口,引进”,那么肯定是从国外引进,所以这个词本身已经包含了 foreign的意思,故改为“My car is an import, not home-made.” Wordy: This book will help you master the basic elements of good writing.Better: This book will help you master the basics of good writing.评析同上组例句一样,原句中的问题在于basic elements这两个词意义有重合之处,直接简化为basics即可,类似的还有fundamental principles和essential components,可分别改 为名词fundamentals和essentials。 删繁就简的技巧看完上述句子修改前后的对比,相信大家都体会到了句子简化之后的妙处。但是“化繁为简”具体该如何操作呢?下面笔者就为大家介绍几种常见的技巧。 01用介词(短语)替代从句很多情况下,一个简单的介词往往比一个从句显得更简洁、有力。学会恰当使用介词是将句子化繁为简的最实用技巧之一。Wordy: While they were playing tennis, she started an argument that lasted all morning.Better: During tennis, she started an argument that lasted all morning.评析原句中的从句while they were playing tennis意为“打网球的时候”,while doing sth.可直接用表示“……期间”的介词during代替。依此类推,when引导的时间状语从句也可用介词during来代替,如when/while they were negotiating均可改为during negotiation。02用过去分词形式替代从句一般情况下,“which/that + be动词”引导的定语从句通常都能简化为过去分词形式,使句子更简洁。 Wordy: The novel, which is written in three parts, told a story that is set in the Middle Ages.Better: ① Written in three parts, the novel told a story set in the Middle Ages.② The three-part novel told a story set in the MiddleAges.评析原句中的定语从句which is written in three parts可直接用过去分词形式written in three parts替换,详见句①。如果想进一步简化句子,可直接用three-part替换written in three parts,作novel的前置修饰语,详见句②。另外,that is set也可以用set的过去分词替代。