

日期:2024-09-12 13:42  点击:




Everyone learns a little bit differently. Identifying your learning style will show you how best to enhance your understanding of different topics. 

Read about and experiment with different learning types. There are many ways you can use to research a topic. Head to your local library and ask the reference librarian.   1   Then, start experimenting with different learning styles. It can be useful to try a new method of learning to figure out which one is your style. 

Take several self-assessments and clarify which style is best for you. Many websites offer online quizzes (测试) that will analyze your learning style based on your responses. Search the web for a reputable site, and take several quizzes, as it’s common to get different results.   2   

Reflect on your experiences. The results of your self-assessments can give you a good idea of which learning style applies to you.   3   Combine what you know about yourself with the results of your self-assessment quizzes. This should give you a good indication of your learning style. 

  4   It can be helpful to get some additional feedback to determine your learning style. Talk to one of your current or past teachers. Ask him for tips about how to improve your quality of learning. 

Put your findings to the test. Once you start to understand your learning style, you can tailor your educational experiences so that you can learn more quickly and easily.   5   As you get to know yourself better, you’ll figure out the best way for you to access and remember information.

A. Learn with others.

B. Talk to an instructor.

C. You will be more likely to seek out new information.

D. Or ask the guidance consultant at your school for some information.

E. This may indicate that you learn best with a combination of learning styles.

F. However, it is important to take some time to think about your personal preferences.

G. If you find you’re a visual learner, seek out images when approaching a new topic.




 identify vt. 找到;发现

 self-assessment n. 自我评估

 clarify vt. 使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清

 reputable adj. 声誉好的;值得信赖的

reflect on 认真思考;反思

tailor vt. 专门制作;订做




Many websites offer online quizzes that will analyze your learning style based on your responses. (Para 3)









1. D 设空处与上一句之间是并列关系。设空处前的“ask”在D项中有原词复现。上一句中的“the reference librarian”和D项中的“the guidance consultant”并列。D项中的Or表示并列关系。故选D。


2. E 设空处是对上一句的补充说明。E项中的“This”指代上文的“it’s common to get different results”,E项中的“a combination of learning styles”与上一句中的“different results”相呼应。故选E。


3. F 设空处与上一句之间是转折关系。根据设空处后一句中的“Combine what you know about yourself”可知,设空处应提及与“对自己的了解”相关的内容。F项中的“your personal preferences”与设空处后一句中的“what you know about yourself”相呼应。故选F。


4. B 设空处是对本段内容的概括总结。B项中的“Talk to”在下文中有原词复现。B项中的“instructor”与下文中的“teachers”之间是近义词复现。故选B。


5. G 设空处是对前两句话的举例说明。G项中的“find”和本段首句中的“findings”之间构成原词复现。G项中的“you find you’re a visual learner”与上一句中的“you start to understand your learning style”相呼应。G项中的“seek out images when approaching a new topic”呼应本段首句中的“Put... to the test.”。故选G。





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