

日期:2024-09-02 14:17  点击:


1、心理,情绪:(a burst/wave/sense) +情感名词+有灵动词+sb.

(1)Mary felt a wave of anger sweep over her.玛丽感到一阵愤怒。

(2)Guilt and worry flooded over her. 内疚和担忧一阵阵涌上她的心头。

(3)Before the competition her confidence suddenly failed her。她在比赛前突然失去了信心。


(1)My fingers shook with anger, so that I could not go on sewing.我气得手指发抖,没法继续缝了。

(2)I was relieved when a bright, sweet voice interrupted us.

(3)The moment he saw the familiar handwriting, tears welled up in his eyes. 


3、The sight/thought ... of sth.+made sb.+表情感的形容词/filled sb. with+表情感的名词

常见的表示行为或动作的名词有:sight, thought, sense, visit, arrival等。

谓语:send, remind, embarrass, bore, drive (驱使)等动词。 

(1)The thought of getting lost in such darkness filled us with worry and fear

At the thought of homework, I frowned.


The thick fog blanketed the field. 浓雾笼罩着整个大地。


The following year saw the death of his mother. 第二年他的妈妈去世了。

The path led us to an ancient town.  沿着小路,我们来到一个古镇。


(1)The words still lingered in one’s mind. 那些话还萦绕在心头

(2)The experience enlightened him that..... 这段经历让他明白...

(3)The story taught us that never should we judge a book by its cover.



1、名词/代词+that/who/where ...等引导的定语从句

名词/代词指物时,用that/which, 指人时用that/who/whom,

指地点/时间时,从句中缺状语,分别用where, when, 名词是reason,从句中缺状语用why。 

(1)He took her down to a room where there were books and pictures. 

(2)She looked at the presents for her mother which were in a basket under a chair.

2、名词/代词, which/who/where/as ...等引导的非限制性定语从句

主句与从句用逗号隔开。which可译为“这一点”, as引导该句式意为“正如”。

(1)Hannah, who had brought wood, made a fire.汉娜带来了木柴,燃起了炉火。

(2)He kept a perfectly calm tone, which calmed me down他的语气非常平静,这使我平静下来。

3、主句, whose+表身体部位的名词+谓语动词 whose+ n.作定语 

(1)The twins gazed at their mother, whose eyes were filled with tears of joy.



1、形容词(短语), 主+谓…… 表达人物做某动作的原因、结果或状态,可放在句首或句末,增强感染力。

(1)Exhausted, he flopped down into a chair.他筋疲力尽,一屁股坐到椅子上。

(2)Eager to see her beloved daughter, the woman quickened her pace towards the building.(因为)急于见到她心爱的女儿,这位妇女加快步伐向那座建筑物走去。

2 、as/though引导的让步状语从句

(1)Hard as he worked, he still couldn't catch up with the rest of the class.


(2)Brave as he appeared, he was actually trembling with fear inside.




1、 V-ing,主句或者主句, V-ing. (两动作同时发生)

Shouting for help, he ran towards the nearest house. 他大声呼救着,跑向最近的房子。

Feeling ecstatic,she dashed out of the room like a wind. 她(感到)欣喜若狂,像风一样冲出了房间。

He ran across the finish line, grinning with pride and joy.


2、Having done sth, 主句. (两动作先后发生)

(1)Having waved goodbye, she turned and walked away.


(2)Having finished the work, he felt a great sense of achievement.


3、V-ed,主句,V-ing. (情绪形容词+2个动作)

Relieved and overjoyed,we yelled at the helicopter,trying to catch its attention.


Regretful and embarrassed. I admitted the lack of consideration, longing for another chance to make it up. 遗憾和尴尬,我承认缺乏考虑,渴望再有一次机会来弥补。



1、逻辑主语+非谓语(ing/ed/to do), 主句.

(With)tears welling up in his eyes , he thanked the police in a trembling voice.

(With)With everything well prepared, they carried the breakfast upstairs.

(With)With loads of homework to do, I had no option but to deal with it.


Eyes filled with tears,sb did sth. (眼里被泪水填满,某人做某事)

Face blushing scarlet, he apologized for what he had lone. (羞愧脸红,道歉)

Her heart burning with frustration,she did sth.(内心因沮丧而燃烧煎熬,她...)



1、with+情感名词/with one's eyes full of/filled with +(tears of+)情感名词,主+谓

如with delight/anger/terror“高兴地/生气地/惊恐地”等或with one’s eyes full of/filled with happiness“双眸里满是喜悦”等作伴随状语,可使描写更生动。 

(1)Mrs. Fairfax announced with great excitement that she was planning a house-party.

(2)He froze, with his eyes full of horror. 他呆住了,眼里满是恐惧。

2、with+sth.+doing/done/to do +主+谓 该结构表原因、结果或伴随状态。

如with a wave of excitement welling up inside her“一阵激动涌上心头”。 

(1)He stood silently, with tears rolling down his cheeks.


(2)With her plan ruined, she let out/uttered a cry of anger


3、 with+(形容词)+身体部位的名词+主+谓

如with her pale lips“用她苍白的嘴唇”, with her trembling hand“用她颤抖的手”等。 

(1)He opened the door with a shaking hand.他用颤抖的手打开了门。



1、 主语从句


What interested us most were three crosses in red ink.我们最感兴趣的是用红墨水画的三个叉。

(2)it形式主语的主语从句: it be+adj.(clear/obvious...)+that从句

It was obvious that she could do nothing but wait. 




Jo discovered that Laurie loved books as much as she did.琼发现罗瑞和她一样爱书。



it seems/looks as if/though“看似……”。 

The fact is that a small smile may make a big difference.事实是一个小小的微笑可能会有很大的不同。



该句式中的名词通常是表事实的抽象名词,如fact, hope, idea, news, thought, advice, doubt等。 

I received a message that I was wanted in the cabin.我收到消息,说船舱那需要我过去。

5、表“某人想到……”的句式,比sb. thought+that 从句更高级。

(1)idea, thought ...+ hit/struck/occurred to/dawned on sb.

也可用it作形式主语:构成It suddenly hit/struck/occurred to/dawned on sb. that ... 

Then it struck/hit/occurred to Arthur that it was he that could solve the problem at that moment.


(2) sth. crossed/flashed through/came to/popped into sb.’s mind

该句式也可用it作形式主语: It crossed/flashed through/came to/popped into sb.’s mind that...。

The thought crossed her mind that she had left the door open.她突然想起她没关门。

(3)one’s mind began to race/one’s mind raced某人开始转动脑筋/某人拼命地转动脑筋


My mind raced as I tried to work out what was happening.



1、主语+wish sb. did/had done/could do真希望……

对现在事实的假设用did或were;对过去事实的假设用had done;

对将来事实的假设用would/could/might do。 

(1)“I wish we could help him to earn money,”said Clara.

2、Without/But for+名词,sb. would do/would have done没有/要不是……的话,某人就……

对现在事实的假设用would do; 对过去事实的假设用would have done。 

(1)Without setbacks, our life would not be filled with wonderful stories.


(2)But for this experience, I wouldn’t have realized I should spend more time with my family.


3、if only sb. did/had done要是……就好了

If only+主语+did/were现在的愿望;

If only+主语+had done过去的愿望;

If only+主语+could do将来的愿望。

(1)If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom.



1、地点状语 (副词/介词短语) 全部倒装

In front of her was another long passage . 在她的前面是另一条长长的通道

(2)Down the hill ran the children.孩子们跑下山了。

(3)Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away fled the thief.听到狗狂吠,小偷逃走了。

2、否定词(seldom, rarely, never, little)放在句首,后面句子用“一般疑问句”语序

(1)Never did she expect that a simple act of kindness would change someone's life forever.


(2)Hardly could the family contain their joy when they received the good news.


(3)No sooner had I had finished the ice cream than mom came in.

3、only+状语 (部分倒装)

(1)Only with father’s help could the twins finish cooking the breakfast

(2)Only when he faced a challenge did he realize his true potential. 


4、So......that ... Such......that ... (部分倒装) 

(1)So exhausted was my father that he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.我父亲太累了,以至于他头一碰到枕头就睡着了。

(2)Such a funny story that it still lingered in his mind. 

5、Not only+倒装,but also +陈述语气

(1)Not only was Jane exhausted and hungry, but she was also regretful for what she had done.



1、 It is/was ... who/that ... 强调句 (点题)

(1)It was through commitment and sweat that I can change myself inside and out.


(2)It was your effort that determined whether you can succeed.是你的努力决定你是否成功。

(3)It was on that day that he realized that what his son needed was nothing but company.




1 What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语

(1)What a terrible expression he had on his face!

2 What+形容词+不可数名词/可数名词复数(+主语+谓语)! 

3 How+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!/

(1)How terrible an expression he had on his face!

4 How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语!/How+主语+谓语!



1、明喻:A+表“像”的词汇+B A像B


明喻的标志词常用like, as, as if/though。 

(1)filled with+情绪, sb do like a ...

Filled with rage, he charged me like a furious bull.他满腔怒火,如公牛向我冲来

Falling into sadness, Rose buried her face in her arms like a deflated balloon. 泄了气的气球

Drowned in laughter, Jimmy dashed out of the school gate like a free bird.

2、明喻:A+as +adj./adv.+as + a(n) +B

常见的as ... as ...结构有:as busy as a bee忙忙碌碌; as hungry as a wolf饥肠辘辘; 

as proud as a peacock傲如孔雀; as brave as a lion勇猛如狮; as pretty as a picture美如画

as nervous as a cat on hot bricks 急得像热锅上的蚂蚁 as pale as a sheet 苍白的像一张床单

3、暗喻:A+be动词+B A是B

暗喻是直接将A事物当作B事物描写, A和B事物之间的联系或相似之处是暗含的。不用like, as if等标志词,通过be动词或动词产生联系。 

(1)Life is an unexplored river, full of twists and turns.生活就像一条未被涉足的河流,有各种曲折。

(2)He just parrots what other people say.他只会鹦鹉学舌。 

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